This last holiday weekend, Kev took the patrol car out on the highway for the first time on his own. I can hardly put into words how happy and accomplished he looked that day, and I'm sure only he can tell you how truly amazing it felt. That day marked a new chapter in his career and our lives together!
It has been an entire year since I started this journey with Kev, but he had been working towards this moment long before I even met him. I asked him the other day, if you knew what you know now and knew how much work it would take to get to today, would you do it all over again? He said absolutely, I love this job.
I wish I could sum it all up, but it has truly been a one of a kind experience. When I started this blog, I was nervous and anticipating the worst. Honestly, the experience has been entirely different than I ever imagined. It has shaped us into stronger individuals and a couple. We both had to support each other along the way, learn what we needed, and adapt together. We developed an inseparable bond in the process.
Kev is more confident than ever now and so proud of what he does everyday. More than anything though, we see law enforcement in a new light. We see how far beyond the individual officer the role touches. Behind every officer is their family and friends who play just as important of a role. Only true friends will stick around when you can't go out on the weekends and family will adjust their schedules to make sure your officer can make it to dinner, a birthday or a special holiday. It takes flexibility, support, love and understanding.
As a girlfriend, the adjustment was hard at times and sometimes still can be. There will always be hard days in life and some of those days you're officer will be working, so you'll have to pull through on your own until they come home. Holidays also aren't a given day off. Kev missed my birthday and Christmas morning this year, but we celebrated on different days instead. We are learning to be flexible. It's hard to change your norm sometimes, but once you're willing to break what you're used to, you quickly realize that it isn't the day that matters, but the people you share it with.
We are so fortunate to officially be a part of the CHP family now and for the many years to come! We have made amazing new friends who have shared this journey with us and continue to be humbled by the small role we play in an amazing organization.
Thank you for reading this blog and following our story! I hope it gave you insight into the making of an officer and their first year. If you or a loved one are about to begin this journey or are currently in the process, I hope it brings you confidence and a little guidance along the way. Never forget that it is your own story though and you carve your own path. You can do anything you put your mind to. And to those of you who may be reading to learn more about law enforcement, I hope it sheds a little light that our officers are human, may be more like you than you know, and all they want is to do their job well and come home to their loved ones after each shift before hurrying off to their next one. Our hats go off to all of the peace officers who dedicate their lives to a career that keeps our communities safe, and their loved ones who act as supporting pillars. Stay safe and thank you for your service.
- Mimi
This is the journey of my boyfriend through the California Highway Patrol Academy and life as his girlfriend cheering him on and waiting for him to come home as an Officer! I hope this blog gives you a positive outlook on the academy, rids of some of your fears, brings you some laughs, and a lot of hope as you follow our story.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Wrapping up Phase 4
Kev only has 2 days left of Phase 4 and then he is officially on his own! Sometimes I stop and think about this past year and how hard he/we worked to get to this moment. It has been a year unlike any other in my life.
Life has become more normal lately too. Kev has had the same schedule for a while and is still working days - up at 2:30am, our the door by 3:30am, home by 6pm and in bed by 9:30pm. It's been a little cyclical but it's so nice to spend time with him every night. Sometimes I don't think we really left the Academy life, because we still have this tight grip on time and our time together, even when we have plenty of it.
This weekend Kev will take the patrol car out on his own for the very first time. Words can never explain how proud I am of him. After his last day of training, I'm going to try to surprise him somehow. Maybe a fancy dinner, a card, and a good bottle of wine to celebrate his accomplishment!
What a year!
- Mimi
Life has become more normal lately too. Kev has had the same schedule for a while and is still working days - up at 2:30am, our the door by 3:30am, home by 6pm and in bed by 9:30pm. It's been a little cyclical but it's so nice to spend time with him every night. Sometimes I don't think we really left the Academy life, because we still have this tight grip on time and our time together, even when we have plenty of it.
This weekend Kev will take the patrol car out on his own for the very first time. Words can never explain how proud I am of him. After his last day of training, I'm going to try to surprise him somehow. Maybe a fancy dinner, a card, and a good bottle of wine to celebrate his accomplishment!
What a year!
- Mimi
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Phase 4 & The Holiday Schedule
So, Kev finally got his phase 4 schedule. This phase is actually only 4 days long and he will be done by Christmas. He is still working his phase 3 day shift schedule which rolls right into phase 4 over the next couple of weeks. Honestly, it's hard to keep track of the schedule. I really only remember the schedule for whatever week we are in and the important days. Like, Christmas - yep, he is working Christmas and New Years Eve. Thankfully, he was able to select day shift for post FTO though, so we will still be able to have Christmas together that night and do a little something for New Years Eve night.
I can't believe Kev's field training is almost over! The day he takes the car out on his own for the first time is going to be so exciting for him. I know he can't wait. He asked me the other night, "should I give people tickets on Christmas?" I said, "heck yah!" You're a highway patrolman! So, word to the wise - a lot of new officers will be off training this holiday season and are ready with their new ticket books, shiny brass and a whole lot of pride, just waiting for you to speed past them. Follow the speed limits and laws of the road if you don't want to meet Kev or any of his academy friends around the state :)
Happy holidays and cheers to almost being done with training!
- Mimi
I can't believe Kev's field training is almost over! The day he takes the car out on his own for the first time is going to be so exciting for him. I know he can't wait. He asked me the other night, "should I give people tickets on Christmas?" I said, "heck yah!" You're a highway patrolman! So, word to the wise - a lot of new officers will be off training this holiday season and are ready with their new ticket books, shiny brass and a whole lot of pride, just waiting for you to speed past them. Follow the speed limits and laws of the road if you don't want to meet Kev or any of his academy friends around the state :)
Happy holidays and cheers to almost being done with training!
- Mimi
Friday, December 9, 2016
Life As A Trainee, A Girlfriend's Perspective
Well, it's December 9th and we still don't know Kev's Schedule for Phase 4, which happens to fall on Christmas and New Years Eve. My fingers are crossed that we get the holidays together. Selfishly and naively, I am praying for both days. Dream big I say, but don't set yourself up to be disappointed. I'm certainly realistic that Kev likely won't have both days off. I really am okay celebrating Christmas any old day, as long as we are together. New Years Eve is always one of those nights it's nice to have your man by your side though, popping a bottle of champagne and sharing a midnight kiss. It won't be quite the same start to the year if I'm just with my girlfriends and Kev isn't there, but I guess ironically it could be the right start to many more years with a peace officer. For now, we will wait and see what cards we are dealt.
Still, life isn't bad. I see Kev a lot right now. He even picks me up everyday after work because our schedules and commutes line up perfectly. The reports he has to write at home have been light too and usually it's just to finish up. There have also only been a few nights that he runs late. Trainees actually can't sign up for overtime until they are off break-in, so usually the couple hours that run over are because he has to finish something up.
As far as the revelations of phase 3, cop-culture is entirely foreign to me. Kev loves it and definitely "drinks the Koolade" as we call it in my SF tech world. I got to see a glimpse of the culture and socialization of the trainees at the holiday party. There is certainly a division of the veterans and new officers. I suppose they have to prove their worth, their intelligence and ability to handle themselves in a situation others have experienced or one day may experience with this now 'rookie' by their side. I suppose that's the key to earning acceptance into such a fraternal organization. Prove your worth and prove you can be tough when your peers are hard on you. Character is everything. It is a very different world for me, and certainly hard to adjust to sometimes. Kev sometimes compares it to playing sports or being in a college fraternity. Until you can prove to the team that you can score a goal, be reliable defense, or be someone they can trust, you won't be accepted. But once you are, you're family. I certainly saw that closeness in the vets and even some of the officers only a few training classes ahead of Kev.
I think this article describes the culture well.
The Academy is only the first step. It's a quick intro to the socialization process - break you down and then build you up with a cheez-it on your shoulder and an aiguillette. You get 10 days to to relax or hit the beach in Cabo like we did and then suddenly your back at the bottom of the totem pole earning your acceptance with an entirely new set of individuals, washing the patrol cars and putting in your time. When the Academy gets tough, remember why you want it. Be strong, stay level headed and remember that good things don't come easy. It's just the beginning of a life doing what you love, something not many people can say they do.
In other news, another baby was born into the family last night and Kev and I have another little nephew this year!
- Mimi
Still, life isn't bad. I see Kev a lot right now. He even picks me up everyday after work because our schedules and commutes line up perfectly. The reports he has to write at home have been light too and usually it's just to finish up. There have also only been a few nights that he runs late. Trainees actually can't sign up for overtime until they are off break-in, so usually the couple hours that run over are because he has to finish something up.
As far as the revelations of phase 3, cop-culture is entirely foreign to me. Kev loves it and definitely "drinks the Koolade" as we call it in my SF tech world. I got to see a glimpse of the culture and socialization of the trainees at the holiday party. There is certainly a division of the veterans and new officers. I suppose they have to prove their worth, their intelligence and ability to handle themselves in a situation others have experienced or one day may experience with this now 'rookie' by their side. I suppose that's the key to earning acceptance into such a fraternal organization. Prove your worth and prove you can be tough when your peers are hard on you. Character is everything. It is a very different world for me, and certainly hard to adjust to sometimes. Kev sometimes compares it to playing sports or being in a college fraternity. Until you can prove to the team that you can score a goal, be reliable defense, or be someone they can trust, you won't be accepted. But once you are, you're family. I certainly saw that closeness in the vets and even some of the officers only a few training classes ahead of Kev.
I think this article describes the culture well.
The Academy is only the first step. It's a quick intro to the socialization process - break you down and then build you up with a cheez-it on your shoulder and an aiguillette. You get 10 days to to relax or hit the beach in Cabo like we did and then suddenly your back at the bottom of the totem pole earning your acceptance with an entirely new set of individuals, washing the patrol cars and putting in your time. When the Academy gets tough, remember why you want it. Be strong, stay level headed and remember that good things don't come easy. It's just the beginning of a life doing what you love, something not many people can say they do.
In other news, another baby was born into the family last night and Kev and I have another little nephew this year!
- Mimi
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Phase 3 recap - Wrapping up FTO
Kev just picked his schedule for post-FTO and guess what? DAY SHIFTTTT.
Three months of day shift start sometime in January. He was right, looks like the senior officers selected the action packed night shifts first. Fine by Kev and I! The only bad part is that he will be working weekends, both Saturday and Sunday. He just bought his first Tahoe season pass with me this year too! He couldn't come with me when he was in the Academy last season because it wasn't worth the risk that he could possibly get injured and not be able to continue with training. So, I was pretty excited to improve his snowboarding skills this season. With my flexible time off though, we are hoping it shouldn't be a problem getting up there together.
Until then, we are still currently enjoying day shift for phase 3. He has been a little tired at night, but he is home! He wakes up at 2:30am and is usually home by around 6pm. We are in bed by 9:30pm. Kev is a morning person and I am a bit of a night owl, so I can be a little restless but I don't mind adjusting to his schedule. Forcing myself to get extra sleep has been pretty nice and I've felt better too, I've had a lot more energy at the office.
In summary, Kev has had mostly day shifts. We are still waiting to see what he is assigned for phase 4 which will start sometime in the next couple weeks. He hasn't been assigned swing shifts (12-10pm) yet. We have heard those can be tough because it can be a much later night if you catch a drunk driver at the end of your shift. Nights weren't bad other than the fact that our schedules made us miss each other entirely during the week and when he had to work weekends, he would be sleeping during the day when I was home. He did have more energy in the evenings when he was home with me though. With day shift, he is beat and ready for bed pretty early. It's almost humorous, you really can't win, you just have to go along for the ride. Take what you get and make the most of it. It keeps life interesting and makes you be creative. You also appreciate your time together more, even when there is a lot of it! Sometimes it can be exhausting, but it's good to know each shift is only temporary and you have a shot at a better schedule with the next phase. If they are all not ideal, well it can only get better.
Hopefully for those of you reading this has helped close the gap between the Academy, FTO period, and that first time your officer takes the car out on their own. I think I'll likely write up until that day and then wrap up this blog - that will be the whole first year of life entering the CHP. I remember as Kev inched closer to grad day I was so worried about FTO being just as bad as the academy. It is no where close, it's just a lot of constant change that takes time to adjust to. Road trips also consist of hitting every apex on a turn while pointing out to you why they would pull over almost everyone on the road. Enjoy ;)
- Mimi
Three months of day shift start sometime in January. He was right, looks like the senior officers selected the action packed night shifts first. Fine by Kev and I! The only bad part is that he will be working weekends, both Saturday and Sunday. He just bought his first Tahoe season pass with me this year too! He couldn't come with me when he was in the Academy last season because it wasn't worth the risk that he could possibly get injured and not be able to continue with training. So, I was pretty excited to improve his snowboarding skills this season. With my flexible time off though, we are hoping it shouldn't be a problem getting up there together.
Until then, we are still currently enjoying day shift for phase 3. He has been a little tired at night, but he is home! He wakes up at 2:30am and is usually home by around 6pm. We are in bed by 9:30pm. Kev is a morning person and I am a bit of a night owl, so I can be a little restless but I don't mind adjusting to his schedule. Forcing myself to get extra sleep has been pretty nice and I've felt better too, I've had a lot more energy at the office.
In summary, Kev has had mostly day shifts. We are still waiting to see what he is assigned for phase 4 which will start sometime in the next couple weeks. He hasn't been assigned swing shifts (12-10pm) yet. We have heard those can be tough because it can be a much later night if you catch a drunk driver at the end of your shift. Nights weren't bad other than the fact that our schedules made us miss each other entirely during the week and when he had to work weekends, he would be sleeping during the day when I was home. He did have more energy in the evenings when he was home with me though. With day shift, he is beat and ready for bed pretty early. It's almost humorous, you really can't win, you just have to go along for the ride. Take what you get and make the most of it. It keeps life interesting and makes you be creative. You also appreciate your time together more, even when there is a lot of it! Sometimes it can be exhausting, but it's good to know each shift is only temporary and you have a shot at a better schedule with the next phase. If they are all not ideal, well it can only get better.
Hopefully for those of you reading this has helped close the gap between the Academy, FTO period, and that first time your officer takes the car out on their own. I think I'll likely write up until that day and then wrap up this blog - that will be the whole first year of life entering the CHP. I remember as Kev inched closer to grad day I was so worried about FTO being just as bad as the academy. It is no where close, it's just a lot of constant change that takes time to adjust to. Road trips also consist of hitting every apex on a turn while pointing out to you why they would pull over almost everyone on the road. Enjoy ;)
- Mimi
Monday, November 28, 2016
The day you know will come
There is a specific moment that Kev and I knew would one day come in his career. He used to tell me about the pictures they would show him at the Academy, we made note cards for the codes, and he studied all about it. Nothing is quite like the day itself though. A call unlike the rest, that sadly won't be the last but will be a reminder of how difficult law enforcement can be emotionally for an officer and the ones around them. I saw the news and knew that was Kev's beat. We were celebrating Thanksgiving that night because it was the only night Kev's family, with three sons with careers in service, could all be together. I was getting ready at our house when Kev text me that he would be running late and to go ahead over to his parent's house without him. I didn't ask why, but just said okay and headed over.
We all knew why Kev would be late to Thanksgiving dinner. Kev called when he was heading home and told me what happened. I didn't say much or ask for specifics, all I really wanted to know was that he was okay, emotionally. Kev's younger brother is a paramedic, so after the call I told his sister-in-law what happened. His brother has experienced and seen a lot, so she gave me a little advise about what works for them. Ultimately, she said you know them best and you know when it's been a situation they resonate with - some are harder than others. She suggested not to pry for details, or keep mentioning it, but to ask if they are okay and to let them have their time to make peace with what happened that day and talk to you about it when they are ready. I appreciated her advice and agreed with it. Every relationship is different though, so you should absolutely do what you find works best for you. That first time really isn't something you can prepare for though. It is a very unique and foreign feeling.
It somehow worked out that the turkey needed a little extra time in the oven to finish cooking and it was pulled out shortly before Kev made it in the door. He didn't let the day dampen our dinner together and he was still his spirited self. I had packed a bag for him with a change of clothes since I figured he would be coming straight from work. We walked upstairs when I asked again if he was okay and we had a quick chat. It's hard to explain how he was. He wasn't necessarily full of emotions but more so just describing to me what he saw, almost talking it out in his head. I just listened. He shared a bit with his family too. We had quite the dinner conversation with a cop, a CHP officer, and a paramedic at the table who could each identify with the day.
I still think about what Kev told us. I know I could never stand in his shoes, but being close to someone in law enforcement has heightened my respect for the career and the men and women who swore to protect us. They are truly special individuals. You never know how much goes on around you each day and night, until you hear their stories.
We spent the next few days at his cabin up North. We watched movies, listened to the rain, and celebrated his grandpa's birthday. That night I woke up thinking of my grandma. Right when I finished saying a prayer in my mind, Kev rolled over and said "I love you, you're my family now." I don't know how he knew but it was everything I needed to hear in that moment. He truly is one of a kind and I'm so lucky to call him mine.
- Mimi
We all knew why Kev would be late to Thanksgiving dinner. Kev called when he was heading home and told me what happened. I didn't say much or ask for specifics, all I really wanted to know was that he was okay, emotionally. Kev's younger brother is a paramedic, so after the call I told his sister-in-law what happened. His brother has experienced and seen a lot, so she gave me a little advise about what works for them. Ultimately, she said you know them best and you know when it's been a situation they resonate with - some are harder than others. She suggested not to pry for details, or keep mentioning it, but to ask if they are okay and to let them have their time to make peace with what happened that day and talk to you about it when they are ready. I appreciated her advice and agreed with it. Every relationship is different though, so you should absolutely do what you find works best for you. That first time really isn't something you can prepare for though. It is a very unique and foreign feeling.
It somehow worked out that the turkey needed a little extra time in the oven to finish cooking and it was pulled out shortly before Kev made it in the door. He didn't let the day dampen our dinner together and he was still his spirited self. I had packed a bag for him with a change of clothes since I figured he would be coming straight from work. We walked upstairs when I asked again if he was okay and we had a quick chat. It's hard to explain how he was. He wasn't necessarily full of emotions but more so just describing to me what he saw, almost talking it out in his head. I just listened. He shared a bit with his family too. We had quite the dinner conversation with a cop, a CHP officer, and a paramedic at the table who could each identify with the day.
I still think about what Kev told us. I know I could never stand in his shoes, but being close to someone in law enforcement has heightened my respect for the career and the men and women who swore to protect us. They are truly special individuals. You never know how much goes on around you each day and night, until you hear their stories.
We spent the next few days at his cabin up North. We watched movies, listened to the rain, and celebrated his grandpa's birthday. That night I woke up thinking of my grandma. Right when I finished saying a prayer in my mind, Kev rolled over and said "I love you, you're my family now." I don't know how he knew but it was everything I needed to hear in that moment. He truly is one of a kind and I'm so lucky to call him mine.
- Mimi
Monday, November 21, 2016
Life Lately
CTC 2-16 graduated last week! Congratulations! We know the sacrifice and perseverance it took for you, your loved ones, and families to make it to that very moment. Cherish those memories forever and be the best officer you can be from this moment forward. Never forget how hard you worked for it and how badly you wanted it. Kev and I are forever grateful ourselves and seeing that the class he shared his time with at the Academy has also graduated is an amazing feeling. I told Kev that for some reason, time seems slower outside of the Academy than when he was in it. The countdown is over! Hopefully the only days you'll be counting towards now are vacation days ;) Enjoy your next week off Officers!
As for Kev and I, we have been loving day shift. This schedule is perfect! He works Sundays right now which means he still gets a little action from the leftover Saturday nighters who may have had a little too much to drink and didn't sleep it off long enough before driving home in the morning. However, it also means there isn't any traffic coming home. On week days, it can take him almost an hour and a half to get home because he sits in rush hour traffic for so long.
We are also really lucky that Kev has all of Thanksgiving weekend off too, Thursday - Sunday. Since I lost my grandma this year, the first week Kev started the Academy, this will be the first holiday season of my life without her. That's what Kev and I have been talking about a lot lately, since that's been the most forefront thing on my mind. My parents also retired and moved to their vacation home in Baja shortly after, so this has been a beautiful year and a difficult one combined. I visited my parents last week, and this week I'll spend Thanksgiving with Kev's family. Considering everything, I'm so grateful that he has the holiday off, grateful for him, and for his amazing family. Kev and I are going to try to make my grandma's stuffing to share with his family this year, which means more to me that he probably knows.
After Thanksgiving, we are going to head up to his cabin for the weekend. Kev bought a secondary but hasn't had a chance to even shoot it yet. So, we plan to do a little shooting while we are up there too. Then on the way home we are hoping to stop and pick up a Christmas tree. It will be our first tree in our own home together, I can't wait!
Happy holidays everyone! Set everything aside, and be grateful for the people who make you feel loved and who make your life better because they are apart of it. Life will always be busy, so make the time. So much can change in a year and time is the one thing you can never get more of. Be grateful, love completely, and live beautifully.
- Mimi
Thursday, November 10, 2016
The Election
Early Wednesday morning, Trump was elected the next President of the United States. In an already deeply divided country, this election seized the publics' consciousness and resulted in nationwide protests and violence.
The immediate impact.
Kev worked Tuesday and Wednesday night. Grave shift is already an adjustment for us, but I knew it was going to be a long couple of nights this week. After news of the election results and the anti-Trump protests erupting, Kev was sent to Oakland as backup. For the first time in his career he put on his riot gear. Sadly, I'm confident it won't be the last time. He told me about his experience the next day and said he debated telling me. I'm glad he told me, but it did make it hard to fall asleep Wednesday night knowing that he could be called back out there.
The frustration.
Honestly, I'm exhausted by the divisiveness of our Nation. It is not Hillary or Trump dividing us, it's ourselves. We were already divided prior to the election results. I'm tired of every decision, event and action being blamed on racism and bias. It is clear that the majority of today's violence simply stems from anti-establishment rhetoric that drives the anger of the disillusioned masses. It seems increasingly obvious that fighting each other and shouting in the streets, burning down your own cities is not the answer.
The election is already days behind us. Instead of worrying about what Trump is going to do for you, worry about the change that you have the power to execute within your own circle and the change you can create in your community. If you want change, you need to be the positive change you want to see in your world. Take responsibility. Our future as a Nation depends on each of us being dedicated to the well being of our country as a whole and not just our faction of economic or ethnic identity. Open your arms to your neighbors and those with conflicting identities to your own. Open your hearts and your minds, because disorder, blame, and chaos will never commandeer the world you wish to live in. Create unity and equality will follow, because hate is the only line drawn in the sand.
And to the LEOs out there and your families, thank you. Thank you for standing guard and protecting our communities in a time when you can sometimes be the ultimate target. When the world around us is up in arms, you're always there. And to the ones at home a little restless while they are gone at night, it's good to know we're never alone.
I will always be proud to be an American.
- Mimi
The immediate impact.
Kev worked Tuesday and Wednesday night. Grave shift is already an adjustment for us, but I knew it was going to be a long couple of nights this week. After news of the election results and the anti-Trump protests erupting, Kev was sent to Oakland as backup. For the first time in his career he put on his riot gear. Sadly, I'm confident it won't be the last time. He told me about his experience the next day and said he debated telling me. I'm glad he told me, but it did make it hard to fall asleep Wednesday night knowing that he could be called back out there.
The frustration.
Honestly, I'm exhausted by the divisiveness of our Nation. It is not Hillary or Trump dividing us, it's ourselves. We were already divided prior to the election results. I'm tired of every decision, event and action being blamed on racism and bias. It is clear that the majority of today's violence simply stems from anti-establishment rhetoric that drives the anger of the disillusioned masses. It seems increasingly obvious that fighting each other and shouting in the streets, burning down your own cities is not the answer.
The election is already days behind us. Instead of worrying about what Trump is going to do for you, worry about the change that you have the power to execute within your own circle and the change you can create in your community. If you want change, you need to be the positive change you want to see in your world. Take responsibility. Our future as a Nation depends on each of us being dedicated to the well being of our country as a whole and not just our faction of economic or ethnic identity. Open your arms to your neighbors and those with conflicting identities to your own. Open your hearts and your minds, because disorder, blame, and chaos will never commandeer the world you wish to live in. Create unity and equality will follow, because hate is the only line drawn in the sand.
And to the LEOs out there and your families, thank you. Thank you for standing guard and protecting our communities in a time when you can sometimes be the ultimate target. When the world around us is up in arms, you're always there. And to the ones at home a little restless while they are gone at night, it's good to know we're never alone.
I will always be proud to be an American.
- Mimi
Thursday, November 3, 2016
November & Back to Day Shift!
Amen to that! Kev received his schedule for Phase 3 and he is back on day shift, Sunday - Wednesday. We will have weekends again, and just in time for ski trips! I ran into him this morning when I was leaving for work and he was pulling in the driveway when he told me the good news! I will finally see him every day again. I can't even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. We only have about a week and a half left until the schedule changes. I can't wait!
Grave shifts are long, tiring, and we miss each other entirely on the days that he works. I am so ready for a change. So far, FTO has a lot ups and downs. Day shifts are easier because Kev is mostly writing tickets or tending to fender benders, so he is typically home on time. Night shifts come with more arrests and DUIs, which means taking someone to jail, the hospital, or both, and then writing reports until the sun comes up. Sometimes even until the early afternoon, the next day! The good thing is that nothing last too long, we are onto phase 3! I guess that means Kev's junior class in CTC 2-16 should be graduating soon too. Time flies.
- Mimi
Grave shifts are long, tiring, and we miss each other entirely on the days that he works. I am so ready for a change. So far, FTO has a lot ups and downs. Day shifts are easier because Kev is mostly writing tickets or tending to fender benders, so he is typically home on time. Night shifts come with more arrests and DUIs, which means taking someone to jail, the hospital, or both, and then writing reports until the sun comes up. Sometimes even until the early afternoon, the next day! The good thing is that nothing last too long, we are onto phase 3! I guess that means Kev's junior class in CTC 2-16 should be graduating soon too. Time flies.
- Mimi
Monday, October 31, 2016
Happy Halloween!
Last night was the end of Kev's long work week... sort of. He was supposed to be done at around 6:30am but that is never usually the case. He is currently still at the office wrapping up paperwork. Whenever something happens, there is a lot of paperwork to do. Sunday was my birthday, and he didn't get home until about 10:30am before showering and crashing into bed. Then, before I knew it he was up getting ready to leave for another shift. My birthday celebration with my boyfriend is currently on hold. I expected this week to be tough for us though. He finally has a night off tonight, but then another full week ahead. Phase two is almost over though! I'm praying that we get a better shift for phase 3 but I'm guessing he might get swings next (12pm - 10pm). I would technically still miss him during the day with that shift too, but at least he would get into bed with me for a little while at the end of the night. Graves weren't too bad initially, however a few schedule changes left us with a lot of consecutive shifts after we had a few days off.
Halloween weekend was everything we expected and more. Kev's stories were crazy! Thus, the paperworkkkkk. He is experiencing so many "firsts". It's a little unnerving to hear some of the stories though but I trust that Kev is careful. Lately, he has been coming home with so much excitement and adrenaline. He loves his job. There is definitely adrenaline followed by a significant crash though. It really is an adjustment for us both. I miss him a lot lately too.
I'm looking forward to a cozy night in and maybe a scary movie with him tonight. I can't wait!
- Mimi
Halloween weekend was everything we expected and more. Kev's stories were crazy! Thus, the paperworkkkkk. He is experiencing so many "firsts". It's a little unnerving to hear some of the stories though but I trust that Kev is careful. Lately, he has been coming home with so much excitement and adrenaline. He loves his job. There is definitely adrenaline followed by a significant crash though. It really is an adjustment for us both. I miss him a lot lately too.
I'm looking forward to a cozy night in and maybe a scary movie with him tonight. I can't wait!
- Mimi
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
More Phase 2 - Graves, How Vacation Works, & A Holiday Party!
Hi there! Here is a little update on life lately. We are still pushing through phase two of FTO and graves. Like I said before, I either see Kev all the time or I miss him entirely. It is almost like a week at the Academy sometimes, except he is home while I'm at work all day. We will usually chat when he is on his way home from work and text after he wakes up from his 'nap'. Kev works graves all this week, so the last time I saw him was Monday morning. I miss him but it isn't too bad, and we get to chat all the time. He actually made dinner yesterday and it was there waiting for me when I got home from work. He really makes an honest effort to do his share around the house with what little time he has between sleep and shifts. I never feel 'alone' or like the daily household chores are all on my plate and not his. I truly have a good one.
It's been raining lately and that makes me worry about him a little more when he is working nights. Guys can leave the academy thinking they are professional drivers, so every once in a while I have to ground him and remind him he is far from being the next Mario Andretti. Kev is also scheduled to work all Halloween weekend. That should be interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing how that goes!
As for exciting news.
We just found out that we get to attend the holiday party for Kev's office. We are both really excited for that! Our first CHP event with Kev as an Officer.
This week, Kev gets to sign up for vacation next year. He has already accrued about a month off! We decided to be modest though and only take a week so that he can continue to accrue time off and we can take a real vacation the following year!
I expected the vacation slots to be limited after the more senior officers selected their time off, but to our surprise there were plenty of options open! Some of the other officers that Kev has kept in touch with from the Academy have already selected their time off at their offices and are taking 2-3 weeks. The officers are given a calendar for the year and in order of seniority they sign up for the time off they want. The way it seems to work (it's all new to us but this is my understanding), is that about 5 officers can take the same week off. It also appears that you can only select week long time frames. If you want 2 or 3 consecutive weeks, you can do that too but they have to be open. It looks like most of the officers selected their weeks together rather than spaced out. I asked Kev if we could just select a couple of 3 day weekends next summer but he seems to think we can't do that. I'm sure we will know more in time, but for now we are really happy. He has already had about 6 days off in a row before, so I'm sure in the future when he is off FTO we will be able to work out occasional short trips too.
Next year when it is time to pick vacation again, we hope to be able plan a little more ahead and then pick our dates. That way, we aren't committed to a week without any plans. Typically when I plan a vacation, I'll see when flight costs are lowest and then request the time off. The way we had to do it this time may leave us with limited cost-effective options but we are pretty innovative, so I'm sure we will find a way to be better at this in the future!
- Mimi
It's been raining lately and that makes me worry about him a little more when he is working nights. Guys can leave the academy thinking they are professional drivers, so every once in a while I have to ground him and remind him he is far from being the next Mario Andretti. Kev is also scheduled to work all Halloween weekend. That should be interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing how that goes!
As for exciting news.
We just found out that we get to attend the holiday party for Kev's office. We are both really excited for that! Our first CHP event with Kev as an Officer.
This week, Kev gets to sign up for vacation next year. He has already accrued about a month off! We decided to be modest though and only take a week so that he can continue to accrue time off and we can take a real vacation the following year!
I expected the vacation slots to be limited after the more senior officers selected their time off, but to our surprise there were plenty of options open! Some of the other officers that Kev has kept in touch with from the Academy have already selected their time off at their offices and are taking 2-3 weeks. The officers are given a calendar for the year and in order of seniority they sign up for the time off they want. The way it seems to work (it's all new to us but this is my understanding), is that about 5 officers can take the same week off. It also appears that you can only select week long time frames. If you want 2 or 3 consecutive weeks, you can do that too but they have to be open. It looks like most of the officers selected their weeks together rather than spaced out. I asked Kev if we could just select a couple of 3 day weekends next summer but he seems to think we can't do that. I'm sure we will know more in time, but for now we are really happy. He has already had about 6 days off in a row before, so I'm sure in the future when he is off FTO we will be able to work out occasional short trips too.
Next year when it is time to pick vacation again, we hope to be able plan a little more ahead and then pick our dates. That way, we aren't committed to a week without any plans. Typically when I plan a vacation, I'll see when flight costs are lowest and then request the time off. The way we had to do it this time may leave us with limited cost-effective options but we are pretty innovative, so I'm sure we will find a way to be better at this in the future!
- Mimi
Monday, October 17, 2016
FTO, Birthdays & Holidays
Kev and I both have birthdays this month and have been celebrating every chance we get. It's been really fun. The schedule this month is a little different from day shift last month in a couple of ways. Last month, the schedule was pretty consistent but it fluctuates a bit more this month. Kev is either working a bunch of nights in a row and I don't see him, or he has a bunch of nights off and it feels like he is hardly ever working. Last week I barely saw him, but I've seen him all weekend. He works a couple nights this week, and then we have almost a week off together. We are going to take those off days to go deer hunting with his family. I'm not much of a camper, so it will be an adventure!
Kev didn't work the night before his birthday and I took the day off, so we had the perfect lazy movie day with presents and cake. He did have to work the night of his birthday though and actually had a pretty exciting night! I told him he should pack cake to share with his training officer or the office but he laughed at me and said he didn't want to share his birthday cake. If I know anything, homemade cake makes friends Kev ;)
I never feel that our time is limited. When he works a few nights in a row it can be tough at home alone but I know that leaves room for consecutive days off. It always feels pretty fair. After the camping trip he will be working about 6 nights straight, so I am preparing myself for that. Unfortunately, he will have to work on my birthday too. That will be the first birthday he misses because of work. We have been celebrating all month though, so it's okay. It will give me a little guilt free time to celebrate and brunch with my girlfriends ;) I am curious how the holidays will work out though. I'm not the type of person to be concerned if I don't celebrate on the exact day of a holiday. As long as we get a day together to celebrate, I don't really care what day it is. It's not about the day, it's about who you share it with!
Happy birthday to us!
- Mimi
Kev didn't work the night before his birthday and I took the day off, so we had the perfect lazy movie day with presents and cake. He did have to work the night of his birthday though and actually had a pretty exciting night! I told him he should pack cake to share with his training officer or the office but he laughed at me and said he didn't want to share his birthday cake. If I know anything, homemade cake makes friends Kev ;)
I never feel that our time is limited. When he works a few nights in a row it can be tough at home alone but I know that leaves room for consecutive days off. It always feels pretty fair. After the camping trip he will be working about 6 nights straight, so I am preparing myself for that. Unfortunately, he will have to work on my birthday too. That will be the first birthday he misses because of work. We have been celebrating all month though, so it's okay. It will give me a little guilt free time to celebrate and brunch with my girlfriends ;) I am curious how the holidays will work out though. I'm not the type of person to be concerned if I don't celebrate on the exact day of a holiday. As long as we get a day together to celebrate, I don't really care what day it is. It's not about the day, it's about who you share it with!
Happy birthday to us!
- Mimi
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Graves, FTO, & Novelists
I recently read a post about how FTO period is worse than the Academy. Since these are the exact blogs that had me questioning whether I would hear from Kev during the Academy, if he would make it to graduation day, and if we could endure the FTO period, I find it paramount to put that conclusion to rest for all of you current and/or future girlfriends and wives who may be reading. You will read over and over in my blog that your experience is (1) what you make of it, and (2) a direct reflection of the person you share it with. Please don't let what might be someone's first attempt at writing a depressing love story affect your outlook on an amazing opportunity. Tough words but again, this is one of the reasons why I started my own blog.
The Academy is challenging, but most goals worth having don't get handed to you on a silver platter. The dreams you work hard for will reap the finest rewards. I have never had an experience quite like dating someone in a police academy, especially one as regimented as the California Highway Patrol. However, it is apparent that there are an array of different individuals in each class. While they may have been selected for their morale, discipline, motivation, and courage that will make them a superlative peace officer - the ability and desire of each to balance home life and work may vary. You also have to remember that during and after the Academy, they are employed. It is a job. I absolutely respect and admire the women who had children during the Academy and truly respect you for your independence, strength and sacrifice during that time. I haven't said this before, but I do realize that my experience as "just a girlfriend" without children did not have some the same challenges that women with a family had to endure. However, I believe I can offer a different perspective that may be of value. I love business and pride myself in my own career development and growth. I work hard at the office, and occasionally bring my work home. Most days, I am working 12+ hours away from home. I am confident that some women with a significant other in the Academy also balanced a family and a full time job - I bow to you for that. The point I am making, is that success at any job requires time and effort. Be supportive of that and recognize that motivation is likely part of the reason you fell for your officer (to-be) in the first place.
The Academy and FTO period take resiliency, and effort. Unlike some jobs where 'Joe' can sit back while others pick up the slack, the CHP holds its employees to a standard or excellence and responsibility. The Academy can be intimidating for someone on the sidelines because these men and women are expected to give it everything they've got. That kind of devotion and passion to achieve a goal doesn't occur often in life and it is a sight to see in a person. Suddenly, priorities shift. However, the 'refection' goes both ways. Provide your support, store your worries away and fight for that dream together. That is the key to finding balance. I supported Kev and in return, he worked his butt off and I heard from him every singly day. He never missed a phone call home amidst all the other ways he made me feel special and loved. On the other hand, he told me about some of his classmates who genuinely needed more time to study, needed more sleep, or were just plain stressed out and couldn't call home that night. The individual will shape the experience you have, not the circumstances. Be understanding and patient. If you are confident you are with the right person, it is all worth it.
Since graduation, life has been amazing and for the record, nothing like the Academy. We are together again - he lives at home, not in Sacramento. He also isn't stressed out with studying and homework anymore. We breezed through two season of Dexter in two weeks last month if that helps shed some light on our time together. Now that we are on graveyards, we miss each other some days entirely but our kitty is sure happy to have someone home at all hours of the day - for those of you with a family, kitty can be subbed for kids ;) We leave notes for each other around the house and get excited to hurry home and see each other on off days. Sometimes Kev has report writing to do, but it gets done. He writes, I cook dinner or I'm at work when he is catching up on reports. It works out. I haven't seen Kev since Monday morning actually. I absolutely miss him and our Dexter marathon is temporarily on hold, but he is off tonight and I can't wait to get home, make dinner, and cuddle him all night. The Academy left us with a great story to tell and life has been great since. To sum it up, life now is exciting, meaningful, fun, and absolutely different. It is a whole new world but back to as normal as it can be. It may be a lifestyle that requires a little adjustment, but it isn't one to fear a future with.
The Academy is challenging, but most goals worth having don't get handed to you on a silver platter. The dreams you work hard for will reap the finest rewards. I have never had an experience quite like dating someone in a police academy, especially one as regimented as the California Highway Patrol. However, it is apparent that there are an array of different individuals in each class. While they may have been selected for their morale, discipline, motivation, and courage that will make them a superlative peace officer - the ability and desire of each to balance home life and work may vary. You also have to remember that during and after the Academy, they are employed. It is a job. I absolutely respect and admire the women who had children during the Academy and truly respect you for your independence, strength and sacrifice during that time. I haven't said this before, but I do realize that my experience as "just a girlfriend" without children did not have some the same challenges that women with a family had to endure. However, I believe I can offer a different perspective that may be of value. I love business and pride myself in my own career development and growth. I work hard at the office, and occasionally bring my work home. Most days, I am working 12+ hours away from home. I am confident that some women with a significant other in the Academy also balanced a family and a full time job - I bow to you for that. The point I am making, is that success at any job requires time and effort. Be supportive of that and recognize that motivation is likely part of the reason you fell for your officer (to-be) in the first place.
The Academy and FTO period take resiliency, and effort. Unlike some jobs where 'Joe' can sit back while others pick up the slack, the CHP holds its employees to a standard or excellence and responsibility. The Academy can be intimidating for someone on the sidelines because these men and women are expected to give it everything they've got. That kind of devotion and passion to achieve a goal doesn't occur often in life and it is a sight to see in a person. Suddenly, priorities shift. However, the 'refection' goes both ways. Provide your support, store your worries away and fight for that dream together. That is the key to finding balance. I supported Kev and in return, he worked his butt off and I heard from him every singly day. He never missed a phone call home amidst all the other ways he made me feel special and loved. On the other hand, he told me about some of his classmates who genuinely needed more time to study, needed more sleep, or were just plain stressed out and couldn't call home that night. The individual will shape the experience you have, not the circumstances. Be understanding and patient. If you are confident you are with the right person, it is all worth it.
Since graduation, life has been amazing and for the record, nothing like the Academy. We are together again - he lives at home, not in Sacramento. He also isn't stressed out with studying and homework anymore. We breezed through two season of Dexter in two weeks last month if that helps shed some light on our time together. Now that we are on graveyards, we miss each other some days entirely but our kitty is sure happy to have someone home at all hours of the day - for those of you with a family, kitty can be subbed for kids ;) We leave notes for each other around the house and get excited to hurry home and see each other on off days. Sometimes Kev has report writing to do, but it gets done. He writes, I cook dinner or I'm at work when he is catching up on reports. It works out. I haven't seen Kev since Monday morning actually. I absolutely miss him and our Dexter marathon is temporarily on hold, but he is off tonight and I can't wait to get home, make dinner, and cuddle him all night. The Academy left us with a great story to tell and life has been great since. To sum it up, life now is exciting, meaningful, fun, and absolutely different. It is a whole new world but back to as normal as it can be. It may be a lifestyle that requires a little adjustment, but it isn't one to fear a future with.
"No one can create negativity or stress within you, only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world." - Wayne Dyer
- Mimi
Monday, October 10, 2016
Graves Update
Graveyard shift over the weekend did not disappoint! It was everything Kev and I expected and more. I finally got my stories. He worked both Friday and Saturday night, 8pm - 6am. He left the house around 6pm for each shift and was home between 8am-9am in the morning. We have mutually agreed that I won't blog about specific incidents but I will say I definitely had my fill of "Cops" stories for the weekend. Nights are definitely more exciting, but now that I got my stories out of Kev, I definitely prefer hearing that he was stuck in traffic tending to small fender benders all day!
The hard part about nights - For one, we live in just under a 1000 sq. foot condo. So, when Kev gets home and needs to sleep, that means I need to keep quiet and it's a little tough in such a small place. I didn't do a great job on Saturday, but Sunday I managed to do better. We will definitely need to figure out what works best for us. Saturday I woke him up too soon, but on Sunday I let him sleep too long. I also accidentally fell back asleep with him until just after noon! When I woke up and realized what time it was, I quietly changed and headed to the gym so Kev could sleep longer. However, I was antsy all last night because I had slept too long. To my surprise, Kev was looking good. Staying up all night didn't seem to be too painful for him after he was able to sleep it off for a bit.
Kev works nights most days this week, so even though we will miss each other it might work out better for us than the weekend did. When he gets home from his shift and needs to sleep, I'll be at work. He will have the peace and quiet he needs to rest. It's really important to us that he gets sufficient sleep before his shift. After hearing how 'active' nights are, we both know it's essential that he is well rested and alert.
We still have a the rest of the month to figure out a routine that works best for us. We may not see each other as often now, but hopefully we get a better shift in November. It seems most of the tenured officers at Kev's office prefer nights, so we are hoping that we have a chance at day shift once he is off FTO. While nights mean more 'action', Kev admits he prefers day shift so far - of course, I do too!
Kev also told me that when he stopped to pick up food with his FTO this weekend, a kind woman noticed them in uniform and treated them to their dinner. Kev said when they went to pay, they were told the woman had already taken care of the bill. It really made his night and mine when he came home and told me. Thank you for warming our hearts and being one of the first to show a new officer that he is appreciated and loved out there :)
- Mimi
The hard part about nights - For one, we live in just under a 1000 sq. foot condo. So, when Kev gets home and needs to sleep, that means I need to keep quiet and it's a little tough in such a small place. I didn't do a great job on Saturday, but Sunday I managed to do better. We will definitely need to figure out what works best for us. Saturday I woke him up too soon, but on Sunday I let him sleep too long. I also accidentally fell back asleep with him until just after noon! When I woke up and realized what time it was, I quietly changed and headed to the gym so Kev could sleep longer. However, I was antsy all last night because I had slept too long. To my surprise, Kev was looking good. Staying up all night didn't seem to be too painful for him after he was able to sleep it off for a bit.
Kev works nights most days this week, so even though we will miss each other it might work out better for us than the weekend did. When he gets home from his shift and needs to sleep, I'll be at work. He will have the peace and quiet he needs to rest. It's really important to us that he gets sufficient sleep before his shift. After hearing how 'active' nights are, we both know it's essential that he is well rested and alert.
We still have a the rest of the month to figure out a routine that works best for us. We may not see each other as often now, but hopefully we get a better shift in November. It seems most of the tenured officers at Kev's office prefer nights, so we are hoping that we have a chance at day shift once he is off FTO. While nights mean more 'action', Kev admits he prefers day shift so far - of course, I do too!
Kev also told me that when he stopped to pick up food with his FTO this weekend, a kind woman noticed them in uniform and treated them to their dinner. Kev said when they went to pay, they were told the woman had already taken care of the bill. It really made his night and mine when he came home and told me. Thank you for warming our hearts and being one of the first to show a new officer that he is appreciated and loved out there :)
- Mimi
Friday, October 7, 2016
Grave Shift is Tonight
Kev's first official graveyard shift is tonight! I kissed him goodbye this morning and I've been thinking of him all day. Even though I'm a little bummed I won't see him until tomorrow, I think we are both pretty excited for his shift tonight. I can't wait to hear all about it when he comes home. I'm guessing night shift will be much different than the day shift he is used to. I didn't even think about it until he told me, but basically when you work the day shift you're stuck in traffic all morning. Ultimately, he is just snagging people cheating the carpool lane or heading to crashes. Crashes = paperwork. He even went to the office on his day off the other day to wrap up his crash reports. You can't really catch someone for speeding when you're in 5 mph traffic. In that case, Kev is pretty excited for tonight. He had two days off before today too so he is pretty well rested and ready for his shift!
As for me, I have a girls night planned after work since I'll have the house to myself - mani/pedis, Pho, wine and movie night in. Kev put a bunch of lights up for me on the balcony, so I'm looking forward to turning them all on and having girl time. Cheers to tonight, Kev's safety, and crushing the Chippy life so far :)
- Mimi
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wrapping Up Day Shift, Graves Next Week!
Everyday I kiss Kev goodbye in the morning and tell him "I love you, be safe" and every time he texts me that he is off work, I ask him "catch any criminals?" The answer is always no. Ive heard that some of the other Officers from Kev's class have had at least one exciting moment, but not us. Well, Kev thinks every moment is pretty exciting but I guess I'm hoping for a story more similar to an episode of Cops ;) On the other hand, a boring day is a safe day.
We have a great routine going right now. I used to stay up until midnight, but now I'm going to bed with Kev by 9:30pm. It actually feels great to get more rest. Kev wakes up around 2:30am and starts getting ready for work. I do wake up a little when he initially gets out of bed but now I fall right back asleep. When we first began this schedule, I would be restless the whole time he was getting ready, so I'm really glad I finally figured it out. Kitty too! The days of meowing and sprinting laps around the house when Kev wakes up are over. After he is done getting ready, he comes back in the bedroom to give me a kiss and hug good-bye. If he has a break during his shift later in the day, he'll send me a quick text just to let me know he is okay - he learned his lesson when I didn't hear from him the other day ;) I know he's busy while on shift, so usually it's just an emoji or "I love you so much" - short, simple, but all I need! Then before you know it, I'll get a text around 3:30pm that he is heading home for the day. When I get home around 7pm, there he is waiting for me! I want to give all this detail around timing because I remember questioning what FTO would be like when Kev was getting ready to graduate the Academy. They only tell you so much and the unknown is what can sometimes cause the most stress on the relationship. So far, phase one has been really convenient and fairly normal for us. We see each other all the time! Every once in a while we even make plans to hang out with our friends without each other, especially now that we aren't counting down the hours until he has to leave for a week. That's something we never really did during the Academy days. Simply knowing we both get to come home to the same place now at the end of the day brings so much peace and ease to our lives.
So, now we're gearing up for October when Kev starts graveyard shift! This is our last week of day shift. We really were blessed with an amazing schedule that left us with a lot of time together right out of the Academy. Realistically, I know I'm going to be seeing Kev a lot less this phase. I was talking to another CTC 1-16 girlfriend I know and she said her boyfriend is switching to graves too. We are both unsure about what to expect but we're remaining optimistic. It is great to have another Chippy girlfriend to talk to, she just gets it and she has a positive attitude too. The people you surround yourself with really make all the difference. If you notice someone that you're confiding in is a pessimist, I'd do yourself a favor and steer away from any unnecessary bad energy. Anyways, the night shift will likely be a lot different than day shift, so hopefully the stories will be more interesting too. Maybe I'll get one "Cops" episode story out of Kev. Is it bad that I really want him to hook a DUI, find pounds of drugs, deliver a baby in the font seat of a car, or save a kitten from the fast lane?! Is it so much to ask for one good story that doesn't involve an expired registration. Well, I guess we have 30 more years to find out ;) Until then, graveyard shift should be interesting. So, I just plan to remain flexible and make it work. We will re-adjust to this new schedule and figure out what works best for us. I'm curious how Kev will work out sleeping and eating when he plans to be up all night. Eat at night, sleep during the day I guess. I'm planning to prepare meals ahead for him too. Maybe breakfast burritos for him to heat up, bbq chicken, or taco cups which he loves and are also easy to grab and go (place won ton wrappers in a cupcake pan, cook up some ground turkey and peppers, fill the cups and bake until crispy - easy, low cal, and tasty!). Maybe I'll do a future post on some of our favorite quick and healthy meals great for a peace officer on the go? If you have any recipes, I'm all ears too!
I'm definitely going to miss Kev around the house at night but it will be fun to revert back to leaving love notes for each other like when he was in the Academy. Missing each other throughout the day leaves us with the opportunity to do a lot of little surprises next month too :) I'd be lying if I said "I'm looking forward to it" but we sure will make the MOST of it!
- Mimi
We have a great routine going right now. I used to stay up until midnight, but now I'm going to bed with Kev by 9:30pm. It actually feels great to get more rest. Kev wakes up around 2:30am and starts getting ready for work. I do wake up a little when he initially gets out of bed but now I fall right back asleep. When we first began this schedule, I would be restless the whole time he was getting ready, so I'm really glad I finally figured it out. Kitty too! The days of meowing and sprinting laps around the house when Kev wakes up are over. After he is done getting ready, he comes back in the bedroom to give me a kiss and hug good-bye. If he has a break during his shift later in the day, he'll send me a quick text just to let me know he is okay - he learned his lesson when I didn't hear from him the other day ;) I know he's busy while on shift, so usually it's just an emoji or "I love you so much" - short, simple, but all I need! Then before you know it, I'll get a text around 3:30pm that he is heading home for the day. When I get home around 7pm, there he is waiting for me! I want to give all this detail around timing because I remember questioning what FTO would be like when Kev was getting ready to graduate the Academy. They only tell you so much and the unknown is what can sometimes cause the most stress on the relationship. So far, phase one has been really convenient and fairly normal for us. We see each other all the time! Every once in a while we even make plans to hang out with our friends without each other, especially now that we aren't counting down the hours until he has to leave for a week. That's something we never really did during the Academy days. Simply knowing we both get to come home to the same place now at the end of the day brings so much peace and ease to our lives.
So, now we're gearing up for October when Kev starts graveyard shift! This is our last week of day shift. We really were blessed with an amazing schedule that left us with a lot of time together right out of the Academy. Realistically, I know I'm going to be seeing Kev a lot less this phase. I was talking to another CTC 1-16 girlfriend I know and she said her boyfriend is switching to graves too. We are both unsure about what to expect but we're remaining optimistic. It is great to have another Chippy girlfriend to talk to, she just gets it and she has a positive attitude too. The people you surround yourself with really make all the difference. If you notice someone that you're confiding in is a pessimist, I'd do yourself a favor and steer away from any unnecessary bad energy. Anyways, the night shift will likely be a lot different than day shift, so hopefully the stories will be more interesting too. Maybe I'll get one "Cops" episode story out of Kev. Is it bad that I really want him to hook a DUI, find pounds of drugs, deliver a baby in the font seat of a car, or save a kitten from the fast lane?! Is it so much to ask for one good story that doesn't involve an expired registration. Well, I guess we have 30 more years to find out ;) Until then, graveyard shift should be interesting. So, I just plan to remain flexible and make it work. We will re-adjust to this new schedule and figure out what works best for us. I'm curious how Kev will work out sleeping and eating when he plans to be up all night. Eat at night, sleep during the day I guess. I'm planning to prepare meals ahead for him too. Maybe breakfast burritos for him to heat up, bbq chicken, or taco cups which he loves and are also easy to grab and go (place won ton wrappers in a cupcake pan, cook up some ground turkey and peppers, fill the cups and bake until crispy - easy, low cal, and tasty!). Maybe I'll do a future post on some of our favorite quick and healthy meals great for a peace officer on the go? If you have any recipes, I'm all ears too!
I'm definitely going to miss Kev around the house at night but it will be fun to revert back to leaving love notes for each other like when he was in the Academy. Missing each other throughout the day leaves us with the opportunity to do a lot of little surprises next month too :) I'd be lying if I said "I'm looking forward to it" but we sure will make the MOST of it!
- Mimi
Monday, September 26, 2016
Composure & Dignity of Manner
I take BART mass transit everyday to work in San Francisco and I thought that was a true test of patience. Then, I discovered life with a LEO.
I've always really liked the police. The profession is exciting and it's one we all grow up knowing. When you ask a child, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Coupled with the response of "a firefighter, a doctor, a pilot," you will likely also hear "a police officer." At least, that's what I remember.
Social media. Not all of our friends and acquaintances know what Kev does for a living. Sometimes a mindless scroll can turn pretty frustrating and disappointing, but we know it isn't worth our breathe. I've certainly voluntarily and silently deleted a few friends but never openly countered their contrasting opinions. Our new favorite word this week is "poise" - composure and dignity of manner.
After graduating, Kev bought me one of the CHP necklaces with his badge number on it. It's beautiful and means so much to me because I know how hard he worked for his badge. He says it's my little badge I earned for staying by his side and supporting him. I love it, but a couple days later I went out and bought a longer chain for it. I showed him and told him that if I plan to wear it every day, it might be better if I'm able to tuck it occasionally. He agreed and has reminded me a few times to tuck it in when I leave the house. I'm by no means ashamed and wear it proudly everyday. It breaks my heart to ever have to hide something that we are both so proud of. Sometimes it just isn't worth the attention though.
Kev and I also attended a wedding this weekend. We had a great time celebrating the marriage of one of my oldest friends and her now, husband. A few of the girls at the wedding knew about Kev and congratulated him on graduating the Academy. Some of them also have family in Law Enforcement so they could truly appreciate the accomplishment. Kev gets so excited to share his story with close friends who value the noble role of an officer. He was proud to share with them some of his story before we all made it out to the dance floor for the rest of the night. We had such a fun night! At the end of the evening, we loaded onto the shuttle bus to head back home. The bus was full and there were a few boisterous people on board, typical at the end of a wedding. We were tired, resting our eyes, but listening to everyone laugh and talk about what a great evening we all had. Then the mood shifted when people decided to sing on the microphone and eventually someone suggested the Pledge of Allegiance. Of course, due to recent events this brought a plethora of political banter amongst a few people in the group. Then someone yelled, "fuck the police". I looked over at Kev and his eyes were still closed but I knew we both heard it. We had actually met that guy earlier in the night. We didn't share Kev's occupation with him but chatted about our mutual relationship with the bride. Deep inside I wanted so badly to say something. Not to curse back at him but to tell him about our story, our journey, our life, and who we are as people. Everything he doesn't understand when he says that. To tell him about when we first heard that Officer Nathan Taylor died on duty - the first time I heard of an officer passing while Kev was training to become one. Or that the first week Kev got to wear his badge, he came home with a black ribbon on it because an officer was shot on duty. Or tell him to read my blog, or the other blogs out there of people who kiss their loved ones good bye each day so that they can be peace keepers and allow the rest of us to sleep soundly at night. Or the blogs of those who already gave their last kiss. I was angry and frustrated, but I was also sad that Kev had to hear it. I can only imagine what it's like to work so hard for something and have to keep it a secret or endure shaming for it. We sat in our seats on the bus quietly until we got home. We didn't talk about it, we didn't have to.
There is no perfect group of people in the world. No culture, religion, ethnic background, or profession is made up of entirely virtuous, ethical, exemplary individuals. We can't assume that the thoughts, actions, or beliefs of one individual are promulgated amongst the entire group. Continued evolution of peace, unity, and strength as a nation depends on our ability to learn and grow from a specific incident and to address the actions of the individual rather than draw an encompassing conclusion about a specific group based on that person's controversial actions. Ultimately, we need the police. It isn't an occupation for the faint-hearted, but continued degradation won't rectify anything. I don't know the answer, but history has taught us that hate isn't it.
- Mimi
I've always really liked the police. The profession is exciting and it's one we all grow up knowing. When you ask a child, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Coupled with the response of "a firefighter, a doctor, a pilot," you will likely also hear "a police officer." At least, that's what I remember.
Social media. Not all of our friends and acquaintances know what Kev does for a living. Sometimes a mindless scroll can turn pretty frustrating and disappointing, but we know it isn't worth our breathe. I've certainly voluntarily and silently deleted a few friends but never openly countered their contrasting opinions. Our new favorite word this week is "poise" - composure and dignity of manner.
After graduating, Kev bought me one of the CHP necklaces with his badge number on it. It's beautiful and means so much to me because I know how hard he worked for his badge. He says it's my little badge I earned for staying by his side and supporting him. I love it, but a couple days later I went out and bought a longer chain for it. I showed him and told him that if I plan to wear it every day, it might be better if I'm able to tuck it occasionally. He agreed and has reminded me a few times to tuck it in when I leave the house. I'm by no means ashamed and wear it proudly everyday. It breaks my heart to ever have to hide something that we are both so proud of. Sometimes it just isn't worth the attention though.
Kev and I also attended a wedding this weekend. We had a great time celebrating the marriage of one of my oldest friends and her now, husband. A few of the girls at the wedding knew about Kev and congratulated him on graduating the Academy. Some of them also have family in Law Enforcement so they could truly appreciate the accomplishment. Kev gets so excited to share his story with close friends who value the noble role of an officer. He was proud to share with them some of his story before we all made it out to the dance floor for the rest of the night. We had such a fun night! At the end of the evening, we loaded onto the shuttle bus to head back home. The bus was full and there were a few boisterous people on board, typical at the end of a wedding. We were tired, resting our eyes, but listening to everyone laugh and talk about what a great evening we all had. Then the mood shifted when people decided to sing on the microphone and eventually someone suggested the Pledge of Allegiance. Of course, due to recent events this brought a plethora of political banter amongst a few people in the group. Then someone yelled, "fuck the police". I looked over at Kev and his eyes were still closed but I knew we both heard it. We had actually met that guy earlier in the night. We didn't share Kev's occupation with him but chatted about our mutual relationship with the bride. Deep inside I wanted so badly to say something. Not to curse back at him but to tell him about our story, our journey, our life, and who we are as people. Everything he doesn't understand when he says that. To tell him about when we first heard that Officer Nathan Taylor died on duty - the first time I heard of an officer passing while Kev was training to become one. Or that the first week Kev got to wear his badge, he came home with a black ribbon on it because an officer was shot on duty. Or tell him to read my blog, or the other blogs out there of people who kiss their loved ones good bye each day so that they can be peace keepers and allow the rest of us to sleep soundly at night. Or the blogs of those who already gave their last kiss. I was angry and frustrated, but I was also sad that Kev had to hear it. I can only imagine what it's like to work so hard for something and have to keep it a secret or endure shaming for it. We sat in our seats on the bus quietly until we got home. We didn't talk about it, we didn't have to.
There is no perfect group of people in the world. No culture, religion, ethnic background, or profession is made up of entirely virtuous, ethical, exemplary individuals. We can't assume that the thoughts, actions, or beliefs of one individual are promulgated amongst the entire group. Continued evolution of peace, unity, and strength as a nation depends on our ability to learn and grow from a specific incident and to address the actions of the individual rather than draw an encompassing conclusion about a specific group based on that person's controversial actions. Ultimately, we need the police. It isn't an occupation for the faint-hearted, but continued degradation won't rectify anything. I don't know the answer, but history has taught us that hate isn't it.
- Mimi
Switching to Graves
Well we knew it was coming! Kev received his schedule for the second phase of FTO and is switching to nights. Next month he will be working 8PM to 6AM, Tuesday - Friday. Once again, we are blessed and grateful for weekends together! It's about a 40 minute drive to his area office and he usually likes to get there at least an hour early. In that case, I'm guessing he will have to leave the house around 6PM and get home between 7-8PM. I usually leave the house around 7AM and get home by 7PM. So, we are preparing to entirely miss each other at the house during the week. I'm definitely going to miss him! I'm guessing the stories will be a little more exciting next month though. Kev really hasn't had too much action yet and now he is scheduled to work the Friday night before Halloween, so he is really excited for that. Word to the wise, don't drink and drive. #1 it's dangerous and risks your life and the lives of those around you #2. There are 100 new officers from CTC 1-16 and other classes spread across the state itching for their first DUI arrest!
Stay tuned for how graveyard shifts go! :)
- Mimi
Stay tuned for how graveyard shifts go! :)
- Mimi
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Sometimes, I remember he's a cop.
I typically try to shed light on the positive and to not be another attribution to the worry and stress that trails the badge. That's the truth too, it certainly isn't a detrimental experience from what little we know of it. If anything, life is better now than ever.
I always tell Kev, "sometimes I forget you're a cop, it doesn't feel like you are." As if it should feel like something? I never see him in his uniform, and I see him now more than ever. The only real difference in my life is a gun in the home and a few tan CHP shirts and pants hanging in the closet. The same uniforms that Kev and his roommates would sneak pics of to their girls when they were cadets and finally able to try them on for a fitting. Now they are hanging in our closet, but it still doesn't feel like he's a cop.
Sometimes I'm reminded though. Kev kissed me goodbye and left the house for work this morning around 3 AM. I slept for a couple more hours before turning on the news and getting ready for work. I watch the news religiously and I'm pretty well aware of national events, including those involving the police. Watching the news used to be a relaxing, habitual way to wake up but these days I absorb it a little differently and perhaps more personally now. I sent Kev a text and told him I love him and to be safe today. I also asked him to send me a quick text at some point during his shift today, just so I know he is okay. I guess I always expected to date and marry a business man. Someone in a suit, safe behind the screen of their Macbook and city view from a few stories up. I sure found the perfect man, but he wears duty boots, a bullet proof vest and a badge. I'm glad he keeps the riot helmet in his locker at work, because looking at that can make your stomach sink a little. It's after 3 PM now and I still haven't heard from him yet today.
Sometimes I guess I do know what it feels like. Sometimes, I remember he's a cop.
- Mimi
I always tell Kev, "sometimes I forget you're a cop, it doesn't feel like you are." As if it should feel like something? I never see him in his uniform, and I see him now more than ever. The only real difference in my life is a gun in the home and a few tan CHP shirts and pants hanging in the closet. The same uniforms that Kev and his roommates would sneak pics of to their girls when they were cadets and finally able to try them on for a fitting. Now they are hanging in our closet, but it still doesn't feel like he's a cop.
Sometimes I'm reminded though. Kev kissed me goodbye and left the house for work this morning around 3 AM. I slept for a couple more hours before turning on the news and getting ready for work. I watch the news religiously and I'm pretty well aware of national events, including those involving the police. Watching the news used to be a relaxing, habitual way to wake up but these days I absorb it a little differently and perhaps more personally now. I sent Kev a text and told him I love him and to be safe today. I also asked him to send me a quick text at some point during his shift today, just so I know he is okay. I guess I always expected to date and marry a business man. Someone in a suit, safe behind the screen of their Macbook and city view from a few stories up. I sure found the perfect man, but he wears duty boots, a bullet proof vest and a badge. I'm glad he keeps the riot helmet in his locker at work, because looking at that can make your stomach sink a little. It's after 3 PM now and I still haven't heard from him yet today.
Sometimes I guess I do know what it feels like. Sometimes, I remember he's a cop.
- Mimi
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Cop Books & Blogs - It doesn't rain all year
So, here I am learning to be an Officer's girlfriend. While we have this great schedule and finally a lot of time together, I'm learning a lot. I certainly don't know everything and time may change my outlook, but I think it's important for us to hold onto our early lessons learned.
My first lesson is about immediately referencing what I have read about cops and applying it to my cop - directly correlating blogs to Academy life and cop books to your new home life. If you're doing your own reading to prepare yourself along the way, hang on to the applicable and store the other knowledge for a rainy day, because that rainy day isn't necessarily today. I've noticed as I've done my own reading and research to be the best support system my Chippy can possibly have, that sometimes I'll refer to my reading as the only possible reasoning to the moment we are experiencing. It took me a little time to realize what I was doing but eventually I took notice. I would literally pause my mind in that moment and reference a book or article I read about cops, rather than everything I've gathered through personal experience with my boyfriend and best-friend. I have to remember that I already know him as a person, I just don't know his job. Rather than completely setting aside the ways I've learned to interact with him, reason with him and love him in the unique ways that work for us, I had been solely alluding to points in books or articles in an effort to reach a resolve.
My first lesson is about immediately referencing what I have read about cops and applying it to my cop - directly correlating blogs to Academy life and cop books to your new home life. If you're doing your own reading to prepare yourself along the way, hang on to the applicable and store the other knowledge for a rainy day, because that rainy day isn't necessarily today. I've noticed as I've done my own reading and research to be the best support system my Chippy can possibly have, that sometimes I'll refer to my reading as the only possible reasoning to the moment we are experiencing. It took me a little time to realize what I was doing but eventually I took notice. I would literally pause my mind in that moment and reference a book or article I read about cops, rather than everything I've gathered through personal experience with my boyfriend and best-friend. I have to remember that I already know him as a person, I just don't know his job. Rather than completely setting aside the ways I've learned to interact with him, reason with him and love him in the unique ways that work for us, I had been solely alluding to points in books or articles in an effort to reach a resolve.
I certainly believe that reading books about being in a relationship with a cop and the emotional and mental changes they endure through the life cycle of their career has been beneficial to my understanding of this lifestyle and our future. I also believe it helps protect us from the cynical attitude that cops are considered destined to develop, because we might notice potentially detrimental changes before they have the opportunity to evolve further. However, I also think it's important to find balance and to mesh what you know about him as an individual with what you are learning about him as a cop. For example, the other day Kev was laying on the bed while I was getting ready. We had the television on and I was chatting to him for a bit when I inadvertently slipped in a question. No response. Are you freakin' kidding me? Because, according to chapter 3, page 38 of the book I'm reading he is clearly detached, only thinking about work and entirely tuning me out. He no longer cares about my average life as an accountant, my cat, or that I'm getting a root touch up and high-lights two Wednesdays from today.
He cares. But, I love to talk! Am I just talking out loud to my best friend in the room or do I genuinely care about the conversation? I'll be the first to admit, sometimes I just chit chat with Kev about nothing. Just because I throw in a question every once in a while and he doesn't respond, doesn't mean he doesn't listen to me or care. He knows every aspect of my job, the name of everyone I work with, all my friends, he listens when I'm mad and knows just what to say when I'm upset. He knows the way I like my coffee and tells me I'm beautiful even when I'm in sweat pants, no makeup and my hair is up in a messy bun. I'm everything to him. It's not that he can't relate to me, doesn't care or doesn't want to be there. Maybe he is just tired and recognized that it wasn't a serious conversation. Pick your battles and don't be so quick to blame the job. Instead of getting mad, I jumped on Kev in bed and playfully told him to pay attention to me. He sat up, listened and pulled me in for kisses. Instead of addressing a chapter, try to address your man based on what you know about him. Use the books as a reference for a rainy day, but remember that it doesn't rain all year.
Friday, September 9, 2016
One Month Later - FTO Phase 1
Well, life is normal again and going great! If your loved one is in the next graduating class and you're sitting around wondering what life after the Academy will be like, it is so much better than the last six months!
We have been living in our new place and really enjoying our new life together. The first couple weekends after graduation we unpacked and decorated our new home. We even had a little patio planting day and set up lights outside too. We have been so grateful to spend time together, sleep together every night, and finally find our normalcy again. Well, as normal as the Chippy life can be... I had to remind him to close the blinds when he was cleaning his gun so our neighbors don't think we are assassins, and to be careful with kitty ;)
Wait, weekends? Yes! I know it won't last forever but you can't blame us for being grateful and appreciating Kev's schedule right now. His first month of FTO (Aug-Sept) he is working Tuesday - Friday, 5AM-3:30PM. While that means he wakes up around 2:30AM to get to work an hour early, it means I see him every night after work and every weekend! We had all of Labor Day weekend together, and he even has a 4 day weekend coming up soon.
Weeknights we have been going to bed early and Kev has been doing a little studying and report writing, but nothing quite like the Academy days. He is also learning his 'beats' (highways and exits that are his responsibility to patrol). Other than that, he has written quite a few tickets and says there is a lot to learn. He is doing well but of course has made a couple mistakes too, that's what the FTO process is about. Thankfully, he has a great Field Training Officer for this first phase.
Kev has kept in touch with a few of his classmates and it seems some of them are having it a little harder than us right now with 'swing shifts' for their first phase. Swing shift starts at 12PM and ends at 10:30PM, but a few people have said they don't actually get home until 1AM on those shifts. When I talked to one of the Officer's girlfriend, she said it has been pretty hard on her because they haven't been able to spend much time together. I know Kev and I will have this experience soon too, so we are just enjoying what we have now. Hopefully, these guys will get to enjoy our schedule soon too once this phase is over.
There was definitely an adjustment period for Kev as far as balancing his new work life with housework and me around all the time. At first, he still had a little bit of an Academy mind where work and preparation is everything. He is absolutely finding balance though. It's helped that we have had really open and honest communication with each other too. When something bothers me , I tell him and vice versa. We don't take it personal, we just find a mutual resolve. Other than that, we have been taking turns making dinner, he has made grocery shopping runs before I get home from work, and has completely dived back into home life while still embracing his new role as an Officer!
His first week at the office was primarily re-certifying with his weapons, but now the stories have started. I love hearing his stories! My little accounting life can vicariously live through his but he always asks and cares to hear about my day too ;) As far as being nervous about him on duty.. sometimes I am but most of the time I feel pretty confident that he is capable and has the training he needs to stay safe. In that case, I tell him I love him and to be safe everyday before he leaves, but I try not to dwell on it all day.
Ultimately, he is loving life as an Officer. Every little bit of it. He made a reference to Moses parting the seas when he first held up his hand on the freeway to conduct traffic and people did what he said. On the other hand, he said it's a crazy feeling when people are nervous handing him paperwork or staring at him when he walks in a room, because he is still so new and humble to the situation. I wish I could quote him, but I could never rephrase in such a humorous and unique manner, the way he describes all of these moments.
I am just so proud, we are so happy, life is fun and exciting, and we plan to do everything we can to hang on to the outlook we have at this point in his career.
- Mimi
Well, life is normal again and going great! If your loved one is in the next graduating class and you're sitting around wondering what life after the Academy will be like, it is so much better than the last six months!
We have been living in our new place and really enjoying our new life together. The first couple weekends after graduation we unpacked and decorated our new home. We even had a little patio planting day and set up lights outside too. We have been so grateful to spend time together, sleep together every night, and finally find our normalcy again. Well, as normal as the Chippy life can be... I had to remind him to close the blinds when he was cleaning his gun so our neighbors don't think we are assassins, and to be careful with kitty ;)
Kev's assistant gun cleaner |
Weeknights we have been going to bed early and Kev has been doing a little studying and report writing, but nothing quite like the Academy days. He is also learning his 'beats' (highways and exits that are his responsibility to patrol). Other than that, he has written quite a few tickets and says there is a lot to learn. He is doing well but of course has made a couple mistakes too, that's what the FTO process is about. Thankfully, he has a great Field Training Officer for this first phase.
Kev has kept in touch with a few of his classmates and it seems some of them are having it a little harder than us right now with 'swing shifts' for their first phase. Swing shift starts at 12PM and ends at 10:30PM, but a few people have said they don't actually get home until 1AM on those shifts. When I talked to one of the Officer's girlfriend, she said it has been pretty hard on her because they haven't been able to spend much time together. I know Kev and I will have this experience soon too, so we are just enjoying what we have now. Hopefully, these guys will get to enjoy our schedule soon too once this phase is over.
There was definitely an adjustment period for Kev as far as balancing his new work life with housework and me around all the time. At first, he still had a little bit of an Academy mind where work and preparation is everything. He is absolutely finding balance though. It's helped that we have had really open and honest communication with each other too. When something bothers me , I tell him and vice versa. We don't take it personal, we just find a mutual resolve. Other than that, we have been taking turns making dinner, he has made grocery shopping runs before I get home from work, and has completely dived back into home life while still embracing his new role as an Officer!
His first week at the office was primarily re-certifying with his weapons, but now the stories have started. I love hearing his stories! My little accounting life can vicariously live through his but he always asks and cares to hear about my day too ;) As far as being nervous about him on duty.. sometimes I am but most of the time I feel pretty confident that he is capable and has the training he needs to stay safe. In that case, I tell him I love him and to be safe everyday before he leaves, but I try not to dwell on it all day.
Ultimately, he is loving life as an Officer. Every little bit of it. He made a reference to Moses parting the seas when he first held up his hand on the freeway to conduct traffic and people did what he said. On the other hand, he said it's a crazy feeling when people are nervous handing him paperwork or staring at him when he walks in a room, because he is still so new and humble to the situation. I wish I could quote him, but I could never rephrase in such a humorous and unique manner, the way he describes all of these moments.
I am just so proud, we are so happy, life is fun and exciting, and we plan to do everything we can to hang on to the outlook we have at this point in his career.
- Mimi
Monday, August 22, 2016
Starting break-in & what now
Hola! We had an amazing grad party last Saturday before taking off Sunday morning for four days in Cabo San Lucas! Four uninterrupted, perfect days with my Officer! Kev and I had a blast and soaked up every moment of the sun and beach together. I told him no Spanish though since all he knows is how to arrest someone ;) "Cruzar sus dedos detras de la cabeza" may not go so well when we are offered a painted turtle or blanket on the beach. So we just stuck with a couple Coronas, snorkeling, and adventuring while I checked out my hot man, buffed up from 6 months of PT and pushups by my side! It was the perfect transition from Academy to coming home.
So what now?
Well, last night was the first Sunday Kev didn't have to leave home to head back to the Academy! He shined his boots and brass while I cooked us dinner and we got to bed early for his big day!
Day 1.
Kev started the first day of his career as an Officer today and officially began break-in! I considered printing and deleting the blog when Kev completed the Academy, but I'm still not sure what my plan is right now. However, I do think it's time to even out the keel and focus a little more energy on my personal career now too. Now that Kev is an Officer, I'm not going to write about his day to day but I do plan to keep you posted on FTO and life with a LEO from a girlfriend's perspective. We live together now too :) Some have said break-in is worse than the Academy, but as I said about the Academy experience - your experience is a reflection of the person you share it with! Im looking forward to the stories, lessons, and challenges our new beginning will offer. I'll try to check in for lessons learned and to shed light on break-in from a home-life perspective.
Thank you to everyone who read this blog and followed us along the way. Good luck to those of you who chose to apply to the Academy or are current cadets pushing through the seemingly long days. There is a beautiful and noble future awaiting you! The days are long, the weeks are fast and before you know it, it's over. It gets better and believe it or not, you might just look back and miss it. If you want it, you can do it.
Don't dream your life, live your dream.
So what now?
Well, last night was the first Sunday Kev didn't have to leave home to head back to the Academy! He shined his boots and brass while I cooked us dinner and we got to bed early for his big day!
Day 1.
Kev started the first day of his career as an Officer today and officially began break-in! I considered printing and deleting the blog when Kev completed the Academy, but I'm still not sure what my plan is right now. However, I do think it's time to even out the keel and focus a little more energy on my personal career now too. Now that Kev is an Officer, I'm not going to write about his day to day but I do plan to keep you posted on FTO and life with a LEO from a girlfriend's perspective. We live together now too :) Some have said break-in is worse than the Academy, but as I said about the Academy experience - your experience is a reflection of the person you share it with! Im looking forward to the stories, lessons, and challenges our new beginning will offer. I'll try to check in for lessons learned and to shed light on break-in from a home-life perspective.
Thank you to everyone who read this blog and followed us along the way. Good luck to those of you who chose to apply to the Academy or are current cadets pushing through the seemingly long days. There is a beautiful and noble future awaiting you! The days are long, the weeks are fast and before you know it, it's over. It gets better and believe it or not, you might just look back and miss it. If you want it, you can do it.
Don't dream your life, live your dream.
Dedicated to my grandma, Bobbie. She would have loved to have read this everyday, hear our stories and take a seat with us on graduation day. She always loved law enforcement and the military and believed in their good nature and selfless service. You are missed everyday and I know you will always be an angel watching over Kev and I <3
Grad Gift Ideas!
Law enforcement grad gifts can be tough to think of, so I hope this little list helps spark a great idea for your loved LEO :)
Luminox Watch:
This is what I bought Kev. Very light, scratch resistant crystal face, water resistant, and self illuminates at night for when he has graveyards. Some are pricey but a few styles are more affordable. Nordstrom also carries these and they have a great return policy, just in case you purchase one but find something you like better.
Personalized Benchmade Knife:
Benchmade has great knives and you can take one to any "Things Remembered" store to etch their name and badge number on it. Ask your Officer-to-be about the types of knives they can carry on them. I believe the blade has to be manually flipped out without a button or trigger in order to be legally carried.
Custom Velcro Patch:
Kev mentioned a few times that there is extra velcro on his war bag and vest, and wanted something special for it. I ordered this American Flag/Blue Line patch with his first initial and last name on it. The quality was great, and it comes with a hard velcro backing. He loved it for his war bag!
Custom Ticket Book:
There is a retired CHP Officer who makes custom leather ticket books with the Officer's last name and badge number. Kev's parents ordered him one and it was beautiful. He also makes holsters. I believe they found his information from an ad in the CHP newsletter. This is a really awesome gift your Officer can use everyday.
Saint Michaels Necklace:
This isn't the exact one he was given, but here is an example.
6 pack bag
Keep your Officer fit and away from "quick" unhealthy meals!
*I also found this cupcake idea on Pinterest and Kev's Aunt nailed them for his grad party ;)
Luminox Watch:
This is what I bought Kev. Very light, scratch resistant crystal face, water resistant, and self illuminates at night for when he has graveyards. Some are pricey but a few styles are more affordable. Nordstrom also carries these and they have a great return policy, just in case you purchase one but find something you like better.
Personalized Benchmade Knife:
Benchmade has great knives and you can take one to any "Things Remembered" store to etch their name and badge number on it. Ask your Officer-to-be about the types of knives they can carry on them. I believe the blade has to be manually flipped out without a button or trigger in order to be legally carried.
Custom Velcro Patch:
Kev mentioned a few times that there is extra velcro on his war bag and vest, and wanted something special for it. I ordered this American Flag/Blue Line patch with his first initial and last name on it. The quality was great, and it comes with a hard velcro backing. He loved it for his war bag!
Custom Ticket Book:
There is a retired CHP Officer who makes custom leather ticket books with the Officer's last name and badge number. Kev's parents ordered him one and it was beautiful. He also makes holsters. I believe they found his information from an ad in the CHP newsletter. This is a really awesome gift your Officer can use everyday.
Saint Michaels Necklace:
This isn't the exact one he was given, but here is an example.
6 pack bag
Keep your Officer fit and away from "quick" unhealthy meals!
*I also found this cupcake idea on Pinterest and Kev's Aunt nailed them for his grad party ;)
Graduation and a new beginning! Part 2!
Day 194, the last day of the Academy!
Graduation day. The day we have been dreaming over the last 6 months. For Kev, he has geared his life towards this day far before the course of the Academy. The events of that day we will never forget and Kev will forever cherish that paramount feeling of pride and accomplishment for as long as he lives.
Kev stayed the night with me at his brother's house on Thursday night and stayed up shining his brass and boots to perfection. On Friday morning, he woke up before me to report back to the Academy for graduation. His family, my parents and I all got ready and met at the Academy around 8:30AM in time for the inspection by Commissioner Farrow which began at 9AM. The cadets marched out perfectly in sync by company for inspection. The Commissioner, Captain and other Officials stepped forward to inspect the cadets. They exchanged hand shakes, congratulations, and thanks. Kev was part of Company B, so I elected to leave early to save a seat for us in the gym with his mom, and let the rest of the family watch Kev step up for inspection. Although I would have loved to see Kev be inspected by the Commissioner, I am really glad we went to the gym to save seats. We were right in the isle by the CHP star and just a couple seats back from where the cadets were seated. At approximately 10AM, the Captain addressed us and welcomed in the Officers-To-Be. Everyone stood and cheered as they marched in. Those were my first tears. It was beautiful watching the proud, stoic faces march past us. Many of them were tearing up as they marched towards their seats in front of the stage. I can only imagine how they felt in that proud moment. Then I saw Kev march by and I knew he was living his dream.
The entire ceremony was perfect. After addressing the hard work, determination, and physical, mental, and academic outstanding performance by the class, each cadet was called to the stage and presented with their badge by Commissioner Farrow. What a proud moment. I've never witnessed or been a part of such a noble and honorable moment. Nothing in my life has ever quite compared to watching Kev take that stage. I felt the same respect for everyone taking the stage because I had a glimpse from the sidelines into what they endured and sacrificed to make it to that very moment.
After Kev was presented with his badge, we were able to take a photo with him, the Commissioner and Secretary of Transportation. When all the Officers were presented with their badges, they marched out of the gym for the last time. They left behind seemingly endless mornings of PT exhaustion and the memory of Pick Up Day in that very room. When they cleared the gym, we headed to the memorial fountain where the cadets marched out to their designated areas for pinning. In a beautiful moment, Kev's father proudly pinned his badge. Kev and his class stood stoically with their badges pinned for the first time. I never knew the beauty of a badge until that moment. That little gold star is truly something to be proud of. CTC 1-16 fell out for the last time and the state of California gained 100 amazing new officers.
After the pinning we all enjoyed an incredible EVOC demonstration out on the course. It was a great way to wrap up the day with fast cars, a soaring CHP helicopter, and a lot of impressed faces. When that was over, Kev and I packed up the remainder of his room and said goodbye to his roommates before he signed out for the last time.
Kev completed his journey through West Sacramento and fell asleep that night with his badge next to him on the nightstand. It was everything. But best of all, we were together, we made it, and we are now part of the CHP family.
Congratulations to all of the Officers of CTC 1-16! Here's to your new beginning!
- Mimi
Graduation day. The day we have been dreaming over the last 6 months. For Kev, he has geared his life towards this day far before the course of the Academy. The events of that day we will never forget and Kev will forever cherish that paramount feeling of pride and accomplishment for as long as he lives.
Kev stayed the night with me at his brother's house on Thursday night and stayed up shining his brass and boots to perfection. On Friday morning, he woke up before me to report back to the Academy for graduation. His family, my parents and I all got ready and met at the Academy around 8:30AM in time for the inspection by Commissioner Farrow which began at 9AM. The cadets marched out perfectly in sync by company for inspection. The Commissioner, Captain and other Officials stepped forward to inspect the cadets. They exchanged hand shakes, congratulations, and thanks. Kev was part of Company B, so I elected to leave early to save a seat for us in the gym with his mom, and let the rest of the family watch Kev step up for inspection. Although I would have loved to see Kev be inspected by the Commissioner, I am really glad we went to the gym to save seats. We were right in the isle by the CHP star and just a couple seats back from where the cadets were seated. At approximately 10AM, the Captain addressed us and welcomed in the Officers-To-Be. Everyone stood and cheered as they marched in. Those were my first tears. It was beautiful watching the proud, stoic faces march past us. Many of them were tearing up as they marched towards their seats in front of the stage. I can only imagine how they felt in that proud moment. Then I saw Kev march by and I knew he was living his dream.
The entire ceremony was perfect. After addressing the hard work, determination, and physical, mental, and academic outstanding performance by the class, each cadet was called to the stage and presented with their badge by Commissioner Farrow. What a proud moment. I've never witnessed or been a part of such a noble and honorable moment. Nothing in my life has ever quite compared to watching Kev take that stage. I felt the same respect for everyone taking the stage because I had a glimpse from the sidelines into what they endured and sacrificed to make it to that very moment.
After Kev was presented with his badge, we were able to take a photo with him, the Commissioner and Secretary of Transportation. When all the Officers were presented with their badges, they marched out of the gym for the last time. They left behind seemingly endless mornings of PT exhaustion and the memory of Pick Up Day in that very room. When they cleared the gym, we headed to the memorial fountain where the cadets marched out to their designated areas for pinning. In a beautiful moment, Kev's father proudly pinned his badge. Kev and his class stood stoically with their badges pinned for the first time. I never knew the beauty of a badge until that moment. That little gold star is truly something to be proud of. CTC 1-16 fell out for the last time and the state of California gained 100 amazing new officers.
After the pinning we all enjoyed an incredible EVOC demonstration out on the course. It was a great way to wrap up the day with fast cars, a soaring CHP helicopter, and a lot of impressed faces. When that was over, Kev and I packed up the remainder of his room and said goodbye to his roommates before he signed out for the last time.
Kev completed his journey through West Sacramento and fell asleep that night with his badge next to him on the nightstand. It was everything. But best of all, we were together, we made it, and we are now part of the CHP family.
Congratulations to all of the Officers of CTC 1-16! Here's to your new beginning!
- Mimi
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Graduation and a new beginning! Part 1!
I'm back! I honestly can't even put into words how amazing the last two weeks have been for Kev and I but I'll do my best!
Day 191 - 192, Capitol Run & Graduation Party
Graduation week was everything we dreamed of and more. I drove up to Sacramento on Tuesday night so I could wake up bright and early for the Capitol Run on Wednesday morning. His mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and I all met at 5AM and walked to the street just outside the gates of the Academy to watch for Kev and his class run out. Eventually a few CHP cars stopped traffic, and motor officers lead the class of cadets illuminating the street with their flashlights. We were outside the gates so we didn't get to see the junior class on their knuckles lighting the path with their lights and yelling to amp up the seniors. As the cadets finally ran by us, my heart was literally jumping out of my chest. I was so excited and absolutely in Heaven knowing we made it to that moment. I scanned every face but all the cadets looked so similar I couldn't even spot Kev. Before we knew it, they passed us and were off on their 5 mile run to the Capitol, lead by the Captain. We jumped in our car and headed to the Capitol. Faster than you would imagine, the cadets were in the horizon! The Captain had them circle around the fallen officer memorial there and gave a moving speech dictating how far they have come, the service they will soon offer their community, and to always appreciate the love and support of the people there who supported them during their tenure at the Academy. Soon after, they met on the steps of the Capitol for their last knuckle push ups! When they finished, we had 10 minutes for pictures and hugs with our sweaty Officer-To-Be before they ran off to board a bus back to the Academy.
Kev met up with me at his brother's house around 3PM and we got ready for the Graduation party! The party was at Thunder Valley Casino in a banquet hall. It couldn't have been more perfect and it was amazing to finally meet all of the classmates Kev had spent the last 6 months with and told me all about. It was also great to meet some of the staff too - Kev introduced me to a few Staff Officers and PT Staff. What amazing people! Honestly too, I'm not the type to beat around the bush for the sake of fluffing someone. Every person I met at that party was spirited, ambitious, proud to be there, and gracious. Towards the end of the party a few cadets did impersonations and even some of the staff took the mic. Cadets and officers were impersonated and everyone took the jokes with a grain of salt. Some of the impersonations were pretty hilarious, and others just stepped up to thank their class for the support and camaraderie over the last half a year together. It was pretty touching to see how close they all were. I also finally met some wives and girlfriends! The entire time Kev was in the Academy, I never knew any other spouses to talk to. In some ways it was helpful, because we only had our own hardships and worries, and other people didn't shed light on issues that weren't prevalent or at the forefront of our mind. However, at times it would have been nice to know someone in the same boat. Regardless, we made it and now I have a few new Chippy ladies to stay in touch with :)
Day 193, Family/Spouse Seminar:
On Thursday, Kev reported back the Academy at 6 AM and I arrived with his Mom and Dad at 8:30AM for the seminar. I highly suggest going to the seminar, even if you are in law enforcement already! However, since I'm not in Law Enforcement I thought it was especially helpful. PT staff, Range Staff, LEO wives, and other speakers addressed us. The PT staff pressed the importance of a healthy diet and exercise routine, range staff addressed gun safety surrounding having a gun in the home, and the LEO wives shed light on the last couple decades of their lives married to an Officer. I soaked it all in and really thought every aspect of the seminar was well done. Kev and I typically eat well and exercise, but we plan to start meal prepping and finding time for us to hit the gym together with his new schedule. We also plan to have a little in-home gun training! I know nothing about guns, other than the one time he took me shooting at his cabin. So, Kev is going to show me how to check if a gun is loaded, about safety switches, unloading, handling etc. I also loved hearing from the two LEO wives. What spunky ladies with great stories and advice. One of the ladies was the author of "A Chip on My Shoulder" which I read when Kev started the Academy and the blog, "How 2 Love a Cop" which I also follow and really enjoy:) The seminar also offered different resources for LE families and spouses when in need, mostly for emotional support. I know that time will come for Kev and I, when he has his first heavy day. I don't think we can ever fully prepare ourselves for that, but it's nice to know that there are different resources available to us if we need help at some point along the way.
After the seminar, we met Kev in front of the chow hall for lunch at the Academy. He looked so handsome and proud in his blues with his campaign hat on and aiguillette! He changed into his "civis" aka jeans and polo and walked us through the chow line. They served tri-tip sandwiches which actually didn't look too bad, but I passed and had a yogurt and pasta salad ;) Kev looked at me, like welcome to my world. Speaking of which - for those of you who read the post about Kev being shorted his 5th shrimp on the day of the Senior's run because one was still frozen, he did get 6 shrimps on the day of his Capitol Run - we weren't leaving without the shrimp he was owed! ;)
After lunch we parted ways with his parents and headed to one of the classrooms to watch the video, "The Fall of Badge 17054". The classroom was mainly filled with cadets and their wives or girlfriends, but a couple cadets did bring a parent. The video was about a man who graduated the Academy to become a CHP Officer but eventually let his ego and cynicism lead to his own professional downfall. This was a last minute addition to the day and was well received. It was a reminder that as each Officer continues their career, to always remember why they started and to remain humble. No service is too small and none better than last. To remain noble and honest, and always embrace CHP PRIDE.
The days leading up to graduation were incredible. The run, party and seminar are only summarized above but being there with Kev was a time I'll never forget. I felt so proud of him and us. This organization is truly made up of fine individuals and I've never seen anything quite like it. It truly is a family and composed of men and women who honestly live and breathe to serve their community. Now more than ever, I have a greater appreciation for law enforcement and I'm so proud to stand by Kev's side.
- Mimi
After the seminar, we met Kev in front of the chow hall for lunch at the Academy. He looked so handsome and proud in his blues with his campaign hat on and aiguillette! He changed into his "civis" aka jeans and polo and walked us through the chow line. They served tri-tip sandwiches which actually didn't look too bad, but I passed and had a yogurt and pasta salad ;) Kev looked at me, like welcome to my world. Speaking of which - for those of you who read the post about Kev being shorted his 5th shrimp on the day of the Senior's run because one was still frozen, he did get 6 shrimps on the day of his Capitol Run - we weren't leaving without the shrimp he was owed! ;)
After lunch we parted ways with his parents and headed to one of the classrooms to watch the video, "The Fall of Badge 17054". The classroom was mainly filled with cadets and their wives or girlfriends, but a couple cadets did bring a parent. The video was about a man who graduated the Academy to become a CHP Officer but eventually let his ego and cynicism lead to his own professional downfall. This was a last minute addition to the day and was well received. It was a reminder that as each Officer continues their career, to always remember why they started and to remain humble. No service is too small and none better than last. To remain noble and honest, and always embrace CHP PRIDE.
The days leading up to graduation were incredible. The run, party and seminar are only summarized above but being there with Kev was a time I'll never forget. I felt so proud of him and us. This organization is truly made up of fine individuals and I've never seen anything quite like it. It truly is a family and composed of men and women who honestly live and breathe to serve their community. Now more than ever, I have a greater appreciation for law enforcement and I'm so proud to stand by Kev's side.
- Mimi
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Day 190/194 - Grad Week!
Monday, Week 28!
We made it to grad week! The week we have been dreaming of is here! I spent most of last night packing and I'll take off for Sacramento after work today (Tuesday). The Capitol Run is at 5:30AM tomorrow morning! I am so excited to watch Kev run out of those gates. The Juniors will be on the ground ready for knuckle pushups just like Kev did for his Seniors, and we will meet him at the Capitol building at the end of his 5 mile run.
I also found out that the photos taken last week were individual photos. The group photo with the Commissioner and other high ranking officials was yesterday and Kev did have his hair cut for it!
Basically, I only heard heard about on thing on Monday - For 20 minutes I was told about CTC 1-16's new mascot Bill and that the graduating class now has 101 cadets.
I think it's time we get them out of there before they all go nuts ;)
The next time I write, I'll have an Officer by my side!!
- Mimi
We made it to grad week! The week we have been dreaming of is here! I spent most of last night packing and I'll take off for Sacramento after work today (Tuesday). The Capitol Run is at 5:30AM tomorrow morning! I am so excited to watch Kev run out of those gates. The Juniors will be on the ground ready for knuckle pushups just like Kev did for his Seniors, and we will meet him at the Capitol building at the end of his 5 mile run.
I also found out that the photos taken last week were individual photos. The group photo with the Commissioner and other high ranking officials was yesterday and Kev did have his hair cut for it!
Basically, I only heard heard about on thing on Monday - For 20 minutes I was told about CTC 1-16's new mascot Bill and that the graduating class now has 101 cadets.
![]() |
Bill posing on the right. |
The next time I write, I'll have an Officer by my side!!
- Mimi
Monday, August 8, 2016
Day 187-189/194
Friday - Sunday, Week 27!
Week 27 is done! Holy all that is "outstanding" and "nasty" we are onto week 28! Our final week. Grad week. The Capitol Run. Badge Pinning. It is here! We made it!
Life is surreal right now. Everything that we dreamed of for the last 6 months and more is finally here. I can still perfectly remember laying down with Kev looking out his window at this big leafless oak tree outside, while talking with him about what we were going to do if he didn't get that acceptance letter. The very next day, there it was. And here we are today, preparing for graduation from the California Highway Patrol Academy!
Last Friday was a little more hazmat training and a quick test on what they learned - how to identify hazardous chemicals, spills, and to check their hazmat book to identify the specific chemical type. I guess I was mistaken when I said testing was done, they squeezed in one more ;)
Week 28 will wrap up the last of the training - impounding vehicles. According to Kev, that is the last of it, and the remainder of the time will be grad practice! Unfortunately, the Seniors aren't scheduled to run PT for the Juniors like the previous Seniors were able to do. Kev was excited for that opportunity, but for whatever reason there wasn't time for it. Oh well, it's grad week!
I'll be driving up to Sacramento Tuesday night and staying with Kev's brother and sister-in-law for the week. On Wednesday morning, we will watch Kev and the rest of CTC 1-16 run out of the gates of the Academy to the Capitol, followed by a grad party that night. The cadets pay extra dues while at the Academy to cover their party expenses. We are really looking forward to it. On Thursday, I'll attend a few family seminars in the morning with his parents, and on Friday we will all watch Kev receive his badge. His dad will be pinning him that day. He really wanted to give his dad this opportunity. I know it doesn't mean he loves me any less, but I understand the value of giving your parents these little gifts in life while they are with us. Kev tells me we will have many more, and I know he is right. Our journey doesn't stop here.
I have a ton of great grad gift ideas to share too! It was tough to think of thoughtful, sentimental, and useful gifts for a new Officer when this life is so new to me. So, I consulted with a few friends of mine in law enforcement and listened to a couple of things Kev mentioned he wanted to buy right out of the Academy. I'll be sure to share them soon - I just can't quite yet since Kev reads this and hasn't received his gifts yet. Hopefully it will help some of you with a gift for your loved ones in CTC 2-16 or a future class when they make it to graduation day too :)
- Mimi
Week 27 is done! Holy all that is "outstanding" and "nasty" we are onto week 28! Our final week. Grad week. The Capitol Run. Badge Pinning. It is here! We made it!
Life is surreal right now. Everything that we dreamed of for the last 6 months and more is finally here. I can still perfectly remember laying down with Kev looking out his window at this big leafless oak tree outside, while talking with him about what we were going to do if he didn't get that acceptance letter. The very next day, there it was. And here we are today, preparing for graduation from the California Highway Patrol Academy!
Last Friday was a little more hazmat training and a quick test on what they learned - how to identify hazardous chemicals, spills, and to check their hazmat book to identify the specific chemical type. I guess I was mistaken when I said testing was done, they squeezed in one more ;)
Week 28 will wrap up the last of the training - impounding vehicles. According to Kev, that is the last of it, and the remainder of the time will be grad practice! Unfortunately, the Seniors aren't scheduled to run PT for the Juniors like the previous Seniors were able to do. Kev was excited for that opportunity, but for whatever reason there wasn't time for it. Oh well, it's grad week!
I'll be driving up to Sacramento Tuesday night and staying with Kev's brother and sister-in-law for the week. On Wednesday morning, we will watch Kev and the rest of CTC 1-16 run out of the gates of the Academy to the Capitol, followed by a grad party that night. The cadets pay extra dues while at the Academy to cover their party expenses. We are really looking forward to it. On Thursday, I'll attend a few family seminars in the morning with his parents, and on Friday we will all watch Kev receive his badge. His dad will be pinning him that day. He really wanted to give his dad this opportunity. I know it doesn't mean he loves me any less, but I understand the value of giving your parents these little gifts in life while they are with us. Kev tells me we will have many more, and I know he is right. Our journey doesn't stop here.
I have a ton of great grad gift ideas to share too! It was tough to think of thoughtful, sentimental, and useful gifts for a new Officer when this life is so new to me. So, I consulted with a few friends of mine in law enforcement and listened to a couple of things Kev mentioned he wanted to buy right out of the Academy. I'll be sure to share them soon - I just can't quite yet since Kev reads this and hasn't received his gifts yet. Hopefully it will help some of you with a gift for your loved ones in CTC 2-16 or a future class when they make it to graduation day too :)
- Mimi
Friday, August 5, 2016
Day 186/194 - Badge Numbers!!
Thursday, Week 27!
Kev got his badge number yesterday and graduated with amazing placement in the class! I am so proud of him! I can't believe he has a badge number!!! He also finished his very last test this week. We did it!!
The Academy squeezed in one last PT session for the Seniors and let them play dodgeball. Since the cadets have been running miles and miles in preparation for the Capitol run, this was a nice way to wrap up their last day of PT. Kev said they had fun nailing each other with the balls but when they went back to their mat positions it was finally time to 'empty the bank'! AKA - the 10 push ups added to the bank for every time someone in their class dropped a baton.. remember that rule? The class had 400 pushups to do! Kev said they did 20 pushups followed by a PMA tactic until the bank was cleared. 400 push ups later!! Apparently, 400 was one of the lighter banks the Academy has witnessed too!
Kev also came home last night! It was the first time I walked in the door from work and he was there! It was amazing being in our new home together. We ran to Whole Foods for a healthy dinner and grabbed a Red Box movie but ended up passing out together before we could watch it. We were both beat from the week. It was so hard leaving him for work this morning. My sweet cadet was so happy 'sleeping in'. It was nice too because he didn't mind the lights while I got ready. I guess the Academy prepped him well in that regard too. I definitely have some retraining to do though - my boyfriend has been living with 10 other guys for 6 months. He is going to have to relearn courtesy flushes and holding his cheeks around the house! The scent of my pumpkin spice candles dissipated last night!
8 days left!!
It is a surreal feeling to be this close to the finish line and yet sad in a way too - I never thought I would say that about finishing the Academy! However, even though the Academy was a stressful experience at times along the way, it really was special. Kev made great friends and had the opportunity of a lifetime. Before falling asleep last night, we talked about the last 6 months. Kev has grown so much since he started the Academy. He is stronger and sharper, both physically and mentally. He loved the hands on training at the Academy and lived in such a high energy, regimented routine for so long, that the transition to Officer is exciting but he will miss the daily action of clearing buildings and navigating high speed tracks. It will likely have a heavy load of report writing as he kicks off life as an Officer on probation. The Academy has been stressful, exciting, and tiring. However, it was an incredible experience for Kev as a cadet and for me as a cadet's girlfriend! We are so grateful for the opportunity and are coming out of it in a great place in our relationship and as individuals. Good luck to those of you who are fortunate enough to take the road through West Sacramento's California Highway Patrol Academy too. The experience is what you make of it!
- Mimi
Kev got his badge number yesterday and graduated with amazing placement in the class! I am so proud of him! I can't believe he has a badge number!!! He also finished his very last test this week. We did it!!
The Academy squeezed in one last PT session for the Seniors and let them play dodgeball. Since the cadets have been running miles and miles in preparation for the Capitol run, this was a nice way to wrap up their last day of PT. Kev said they had fun nailing each other with the balls but when they went back to their mat positions it was finally time to 'empty the bank'! AKA - the 10 push ups added to the bank for every time someone in their class dropped a baton.. remember that rule? The class had 400 pushups to do! Kev said they did 20 pushups followed by a PMA tactic until the bank was cleared. 400 push ups later!! Apparently, 400 was one of the lighter banks the Academy has witnessed too!
Kev also came home last night! It was the first time I walked in the door from work and he was there! It was amazing being in our new home together. We ran to Whole Foods for a healthy dinner and grabbed a Red Box movie but ended up passing out together before we could watch it. We were both beat from the week. It was so hard leaving him for work this morning. My sweet cadet was so happy 'sleeping in'. It was nice too because he didn't mind the lights while I got ready. I guess the Academy prepped him well in that regard too. I definitely have some retraining to do though - my boyfriend has been living with 10 other guys for 6 months. He is going to have to relearn courtesy flushes and holding his cheeks around the house! The scent of my pumpkin spice candles dissipated last night!
8 days left!!
It is a surreal feeling to be this close to the finish line and yet sad in a way too - I never thought I would say that about finishing the Academy! However, even though the Academy was a stressful experience at times along the way, it really was special. Kev made great friends and had the opportunity of a lifetime. Before falling asleep last night, we talked about the last 6 months. Kev has grown so much since he started the Academy. He is stronger and sharper, both physically and mentally. He loved the hands on training at the Academy and lived in such a high energy, regimented routine for so long, that the transition to Officer is exciting but he will miss the daily action of clearing buildings and navigating high speed tracks. It will likely have a heavy load of report writing as he kicks off life as an Officer on probation. The Academy has been stressful, exciting, and tiring. However, it was an incredible experience for Kev as a cadet and for me as a cadet's girlfriend! We are so grateful for the opportunity and are coming out of it in a great place in our relationship and as individuals. Good luck to those of you who are fortunate enough to take the road through West Sacramento's California Highway Patrol Academy too. The experience is what you make of it!
- Mimi
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Day 185/194 - Week 27
Wednesday, Week 27!
Week 27 sure has a ring to it! On Wednesday, Kev got his uniform back and had his class pictures! Unfortunately, we were so busy moving this weekend that we didn't have time to cut his hair. We had been buzzing it every Sunday, until the weekend before last when he officially started to grow it back. He talked about having one of the cadets buzz it for him so it was clean for the class photo - part of me was thinking NOOOO we just started growing it back and the other half was thinking I didn't want to point to my fuzzy headed Q-tip in the class photo in 10 years ;) As far as I know, I have the Q-tip in the shot.
I didn't talk to Kev much last night because I got my hair done after work and I have been in full blown cleaning mode at the new place. I really wanted to clean and get as much put away as possible to surprise him when he gets home tonight (Thursday). I think he is going to be really happy. The place looks great! Oh, and of course a huge spider appeared in our bedroom last night while I was home alone. I got innovative, tied a paper towel to a stick and tried to squish it. Then attempting to video it at the same time, the spider fell from the ceiling and I nearly had a panic attack.


So glad he was concerned. Thanks babe! I handled it!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Day 183-184/194 - Start of Week 27!
Monday & Tuesday, Week 27!
Life is good! I've been setting Kev up on FaceTime every night while I unpack boxes after work. I've made such a good dent these last couple days and I think Kev enjoys watching me slave away in pj shorts and my hair in a bun. Just wait babe, I have a whole list of chores for you this weekend ;) I also lost 6 freaking pounds in four days from moving in 90 degree weather and being too busy to eat dinner. What a workout plan!
At the Academy, the cadets had hazmat training for 8 hours on Monday. They learned to test for hazardous materials and read the signs on trucks to identify the contents in the vehicle by locating (I think) a code of some sort in a reference book they were given. Recently on the news, I saw a truck that flipped on the highway and the responders were trying to identify the liquid that had leaked from it. I was wondering if this was something Kev would have to do or not.
On Tuesday, they had another active shooter training - this training scenario always irks me. It will take getting used to that Kev won't just be saving puppies and kitties astray on the highway. Anyhow, there is a building on the Academy grounds where they practice. It has plywood walls and different areas for the cadets to clear. During the scenario, some cadets act as officers and others act as shooters and pedestrians while alarms and music blasts to distract them. They used guns with blank rounds loaded in them for the training. Despite the seriousness, it sounds like Kev enjoyed himself. It's understandable that the hands on training is more exciting that the bookwork. However, he did mention the Sac heat made for a long day.
I get to see Kev this Thursday night since the Senior class has Friday off. Next week he will be at the Academy Monday and Tuesday, and then I get him each night the rest of the week. He is only at the Academy for 4 more full days. I honestly can't put into words how proud, excited, and on top of the word we feel being only a week out from graduation! The feeling is incredible. I am so proud of Kev's accomplishments. The Academy is challenging in so many ways and every single cadet who made it to today, deserves it hands down. To the loved ones who were support systems behind the long weeks, busy weekends, and lonely nights - the day we have been dreaming about is right around the corner!!
Life is good! I've been setting Kev up on FaceTime every night while I unpack boxes after work. I've made such a good dent these last couple days and I think Kev enjoys watching me slave away in pj shorts and my hair in a bun. Just wait babe, I have a whole list of chores for you this weekend ;) I also lost 6 freaking pounds in four days from moving in 90 degree weather and being too busy to eat dinner. What a workout plan!
At the Academy, the cadets had hazmat training for 8 hours on Monday. They learned to test for hazardous materials and read the signs on trucks to identify the contents in the vehicle by locating (I think) a code of some sort in a reference book they were given. Recently on the news, I saw a truck that flipped on the highway and the responders were trying to identify the liquid that had leaked from it. I was wondering if this was something Kev would have to do or not.
On Tuesday, they had another active shooter training - this training scenario always irks me. It will take getting used to that Kev won't just be saving puppies and kitties astray on the highway. Anyhow, there is a building on the Academy grounds where they practice. It has plywood walls and different areas for the cadets to clear. During the scenario, some cadets act as officers and others act as shooters and pedestrians while alarms and music blasts to distract them. They used guns with blank rounds loaded in them for the training. Despite the seriousness, it sounds like Kev enjoyed himself. It's understandable that the hands on training is more exciting that the bookwork. However, he did mention the Sac heat made for a long day.
I get to see Kev this Thursday night since the Senior class has Friday off. Next week he will be at the Academy Monday and Tuesday, and then I get him each night the rest of the week. He is only at the Academy for 4 more full days. I honestly can't put into words how proud, excited, and on top of the word we feel being only a week out from graduation! The feeling is incredible. I am so proud of Kev's accomplishments. The Academy is challenging in so many ways and every single cadet who made it to today, deserves it hands down. To the loved ones who were support systems behind the long weeks, busy weekends, and lonely nights - the day we have been dreaming about is right around the corner!!
- Mimi
Monday, August 1, 2016
Day 180-182/194
Friday - Sunday, Week 26!
We moved into our new home this weekend! We are exhausted but we are officially living together and I'll soon be waking up to the most amazing man in the world every day!
I wish I could be more detailed about last week and Friday at the Academy but we have honestly been so busy. I recall reading the end of other blogs and seeing gaps in days or less detailed posts as their cadet approached graduation, and now I know why! We have been moving, planning for graduation, juggling my job, and Academy life.
Kev had more training with the paintball guns on Friday. Unfortunately, with everything going on I only recall bits and pieces of what he told me about his day. It sounds like they had a good time though. They were trying to shoot each other this time and hiding behind cars, trying not to get hit. At the end, an Officer dumped a box of more 'ammo' in the center of the group and they all darted to it to reload.
The Academy has been busy for cadets as they prepare for graduation. Unfortunately, one cadet was sick recently and is catching up on tests, so that has held up the distribution of badge numbers.
Kev was home by about 7pm on Friday. I had already met his dad to pick up our Uhaul, so as soon as Kev got there we had to start moving things down to the garage. In the morning, his brother came down to help us load the Uhaul and that was the start of our very long, exhausting weekend. For the record, my old place had two sets of stairs with 38 steps total. We didn't stop moving and unpacking until about 9:30pm last night. Kev was determined not to leave without making sure I was out of the old place and into our new one, in a position where I could handle the rest. I literally couldn't have done it without Kev and his family!
On Sunday evening, Kev also mentioned that he needed to print decals of the highways he will be patrolling to put on the back of his PT shirt for the last two workouts (Monday and Wednesday this week). As easy as that sounds we had the hardest time! Apparently every office supply store sells Inkjet transfer paper but every store, friend, and human in a 20 mile radius has a Laserjet printer which won't work with that paper - it smears the ink! In the midst of moving, running around to every supply store - Staples, Office Max, Michaels, etc - before they close at 6pm on Sunday, was not how we wanted to wrap up our exhausting weekend. Thankfully, we found out last minute that Kev's brother happened to have an Inkjet! Kev got there by about 10pm, printed the decals, ironed them on his shirt for Monday, and headed back to the Academy to fill out his 100 form and pass out just before midnight! I really hope those Staff Officers appreciated it today ;) Ugh! For something that seemed so simple, it sure ended up wasting a lot of our time. So, learn from our struggle and plan ahead for everything while at the Academy. Even though it's just a decal, it's one more thing your cadet wants to avoid getting chewed out for and suddenly getting this little task done is more important than anything. If you don't have an Inkjet printer, you can order 'laser safe transfer paper' online ahead of time.
Thank me later -
Class shirts also arrived for CTC 1-16 and they look great!
Cheers to August 1st, graduation month is here!! Woo hoo!
- Mimi
We moved into our new home this weekend! We are exhausted but we are officially living together and I'll soon be waking up to the most amazing man in the world every day!
I wish I could be more detailed about last week and Friday at the Academy but we have honestly been so busy. I recall reading the end of other blogs and seeing gaps in days or less detailed posts as their cadet approached graduation, and now I know why! We have been moving, planning for graduation, juggling my job, and Academy life.
Kev had more training with the paintball guns on Friday. Unfortunately, with everything going on I only recall bits and pieces of what he told me about his day. It sounds like they had a good time though. They were trying to shoot each other this time and hiding behind cars, trying not to get hit. At the end, an Officer dumped a box of more 'ammo' in the center of the group and they all darted to it to reload.
The Academy has been busy for cadets as they prepare for graduation. Unfortunately, one cadet was sick recently and is catching up on tests, so that has held up the distribution of badge numbers.
Kev was home by about 7pm on Friday. I had already met his dad to pick up our Uhaul, so as soon as Kev got there we had to start moving things down to the garage. In the morning, his brother came down to help us load the Uhaul and that was the start of our very long, exhausting weekend. For the record, my old place had two sets of stairs with 38 steps total. We didn't stop moving and unpacking until about 9:30pm last night. Kev was determined not to leave without making sure I was out of the old place and into our new one, in a position where I could handle the rest. I literally couldn't have done it without Kev and his family!
On Sunday evening, Kev also mentioned that he needed to print decals of the highways he will be patrolling to put on the back of his PT shirt for the last two workouts (Monday and Wednesday this week). As easy as that sounds we had the hardest time! Apparently every office supply store sells Inkjet transfer paper but every store, friend, and human in a 20 mile radius has a Laserjet printer which won't work with that paper - it smears the ink! In the midst of moving, running around to every supply store - Staples, Office Max, Michaels, etc - before they close at 6pm on Sunday, was not how we wanted to wrap up our exhausting weekend. Thankfully, we found out last minute that Kev's brother happened to have an Inkjet! Kev got there by about 10pm, printed the decals, ironed them on his shirt for Monday, and headed back to the Academy to fill out his 100 form and pass out just before midnight! I really hope those Staff Officers appreciated it today ;) Ugh! For something that seemed so simple, it sure ended up wasting a lot of our time. So, learn from our struggle and plan ahead for everything while at the Academy. Even though it's just a decal, it's one more thing your cadet wants to avoid getting chewed out for and suddenly getting this little task done is more important than anything. If you don't have an Inkjet printer, you can order 'laser safe transfer paper' online ahead of time.
Thank me later -
Class shirts also arrived for CTC 1-16 and they look great!
Cheers to August 1st, graduation month is here!! Woo hoo!
- Mimi
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