Well, Friday has always been the best day of the work week but when you know your boyfriend is coming home for the weekend from the CHP Academy, it suddenly becomes even better! Kev's Friday started out with PT as usual. He says there are a lot of rules in the gym, and no weapons or pepper spray are allowed because it is a 'sterile' environment. On Friday morning, Kev said one of the cadets ran over to the gym to line up with the others before running in together when the cadet noticed he still had his pepper spray on him. He was about to run back to drop it off in his quad but apparently the other cadets didn't want to wait for him and told him to own up to his mistake inside. Kev said that the class as a whole was already considered late, so waiting for him to run back wouldn't have made it much worse. However, I guess that early in the morning isn't the time of day to look for compassion from your peers. Kev said the cadet went into the gym and was immediately chewed up by a staff officer in front of the class for having the pepper spray on him, was blue carded, and has to write a 2 page memo. Kev described the tedious task of memo writing to me this weekend, so as simple as a 2 page memo sounds, it isn't. I was easily convinced that it is very time consuming - specific border requirements, writing templates, and zero leniency for mistakes. After telling me the PT story, Kev said "And guess who it was?" He told me it was 'No Shoes'. We were both so happy that he pushed through the last gym incident with the shoes, and now the poor kid brought attention to himself in PT again. Hopefully he can pull it together and doesn't give up.
That's about all I got out of Kev about Friday. He says having all of his gear has been great, but it is heavy and a lot of work. Kev said some cadets even have bruises on their sides from the baton or holster sitting on their hips. Other than that, there is a lot of class work and the material is getting more challenging. He said the days are definitely getting longer and harder as the Academy attempts to teach you as much as humanly possible in six months.
He left the academy around 5 PM on Friday and was home around 6:30 :) I love opening the door to see him standing there with his bags. My heart always skips a beat!
Saturday & Sunday!
We stayed in on Friday night to catch up, watch a movie and lounge. Last weekend, we decided we wanted to start setting our alarm too so that we don''t sleep in so late and waste the day. So, we set our alarm for around 8:30 AM, had breakfast, did all Kev's laundry, and decided to go hiking at Muir Woods for the day since neither of us have ever been. We drove out to Muir Woods, but didn't get there until about 2 PM. We should have done more research because after about an hour and a half drive, we couldn't find a parking spot anywhere. We gave a pretty good effort but after a few laps, we called it a day and headed home. To be honest, we didn't really care. We were both just happy to have a little road trip together even if the destination didn't work out. When we got home, we went to Staples and Michaels for a few random academy needs and then went to a birthday dinner for one of Kev's close friends. It was the first time we went out with friends all month!
Kev has a tough test on Tuesday that apparently directly correlates to attrition at the academy, so we treated ourselves to early mani/pedis and spent the rest of Sunday studying. Yes, Kev got a mani and a pedi and loved it almost as much as he needed it! ;) Kev studied his material while I helped him make a set of flash cards to study tomorrow and eventually again when he is tested on it later in the academy for a midterm type test. Apparently, the best time for flashcards is when Kev has a few minutes to do 'paperwork' and he takes the cards to the stall with him. Lately, I've been less excited about touching old flashcards to quiz him on! The test on Tuesday is about amendments, when a crime was committed and when you can legally arrest someone. We usually buzz him on Saturday, but since we had the dinner, we buzzed his hair Sunday.We relaxed the rest of the night and Kev headed back to the academy around 8:30 PM. It doesn't get easier to watch him leave, but he told me that every time he leaves we are closer to graduation. Well, we are officially 1 of 6 months down!
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Another surprise note Kev left in my room before going back to the Academy <3 |